yellow tang still ichy..


New Member
Hello I've been surfing for info, and came across your forum, Seems like you love your fish. My name is Dakis(daakiss, Doc for short). had a 55 gal but was leaking and broke. Saved the fish but during the stress of the rescue. They developed ich. Bought a 70 gal live tank with 2 clowns, hawk and lots of alge . I have my trigger, lion, tang, stripped hawk in hypo, for a 1 1/2 weeks,all eating garliced,vitoed foods , all enegetic but the yellow tang got a out break of ich again in hypo.. I have been using rid-ich in lower doses than on bottle everyday than stopped cause ich went away, so I thought, So my questions are, is it three week from when the new ich goes away, how can I disinfect my live rocks in the sump and in my 25gal tank, and should I get rid of everything in hypo. under gravey w/ live crushed coral rocks shells etc..


Active Member
Hi and welcome to the board :D
Firstly, you cant just hypo a fish who has ich, you have to treat it. A reef safe forumlae to get rid of it is 9/10 ineffective. You need to perform either hyposalinity (see FAQ's in this forum) or treat with copper.
QT on its own is only really useful for observational purposes and when introducing a fish. 3 weeks is standard. Ich will die from your substrate and rocks if it has no host (i.e. fish) for 3-4 weeks. Are there any fish still in there?
Hypo is best to cure Ich, you will need a refractometer. If you want more info on hypo post back here and I will post instructions.
Let me know how your fish are set out and where and we can move forward and solve this for you.
Best of Luck,


New Member
I posted my fishies and where they are but I made it a new thread by accident. so what your saying is to put the uninfected fish in the 70 gal and treat the tang w/copper?


Active Member
Hi again,
I just read your other post and I am little confused. I have no experience with some of those fish so would not like to advise on that, perhaps Beth or Terry will.
Well the likelihood is if one fish has Ich the rest of them will get it very soon as it is active in that aquarium. Ich will live either on the fish or in the substrate, therefore if you take the fish out and treat them all, it will die on the fish and if left away from the substrate for 3 weeks it will die there too, therefore no ich.
Have you got enough room to put all of your fish in QT?
Dont worry about crabs/sea cucumbers or shrimps, just fish is where Ich can host on (most of the time).


Staff member
What are you using to meausure your salinity or specific gravity? Exact reading.
To treat ich, you should start counting the 3 wks beginning when the ich is no longer visible.


New Member
So, should I take out the gravel, undergravel filter, and rocks of the hospital leave the prefiler sump set up and treat w/copper...but w/o the live rock and sand-gravel I think I will overload the bioballs