Originally Posted by tomclx
HELP !!! I bought a yellow tang 3 days ago form LFS, and It will not come out form behind my rocks. It also has not eaten. I noticed it picked at my live rock a little bit, but it refuses to come out and swim around. It has been three days. What can this be? any suggestions would be great.
I just bought a small yellow tang and had the same problem. I have some special food for the tang but after 2 days of not eating it started eating the flakes as well.
I noticed that my tang does not like to eat at the surface so I just sink a few flakes near him. I have only feed him the algae food once but he loves the flakes. He still hides after a week but is getting better now.
I would try to send some food his way and see what he does. I would also call the pet store and ask them what they fed the tangs there and maybe pick up some of his food.