Yellow Tang


HELP !!! I bought a yellow tang 3 days ago form LFS, and It will not come out form behind my rocks. It also has not eaten. I noticed it picked at my live rock a little bit, but it refuses to come out and swim around. It has been three days. What can this be? any suggestions would be great.


Originally Posted by tomclx
HELP !!! I bought a yellow tang 3 days ago form LFS, and It will not come out form behind my rocks. It also has not eaten. I noticed it picked at my live rock a little bit, but it refuses to come out and swim around. It has been three days. What can this be? any suggestions would be great.
I just bought a small yellow tang and had the same problem. I have some special food for the tang but after 2 days of not eating it started eating the flakes as well.
I noticed that my tang does not like to eat at the surface so I just sink a few flakes near him. I have only feed him the algae food once but he loves the flakes. He still hides after a week but is getting better now.
I would try to send some food his way and see what he does. I would also call the pet store and ask them what they fed the tangs there and maybe pick up some of his food.


Active Member
A buddy of mine uses dried macro algae sheets to feed his tang and crabs too. He'll hold it under the surface and just kinda crumble it as it soaks up the water. Tangs LOVE it. I believe the name of the product was "seaweed select."

puff daddy

New Member
bought my small yellow tang 3 weeks ago and he as well stayed hide for several days, 3 i think, but did eat off the back of the tank some. Now he is a regular out in front at feeding time. Give him some time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tomclx
HELP !!! I bought a yellow tang 3 days ago form LFS, and It will not come out form behind my rocks. It also has not eaten. I noticed it picked at my live rock a little bit, but it refuses to come out and swim around. It has been three days. What can this be? any suggestions would be great.
Yellow tangs are very shy and take a while to warm up to their new surroundings. Give him a couple more days before you hit the panic button. Fish can go weeks before they starve to death.
What other fish do you have in the tank with him?


Active Member
Ditto with all the above. Give him some time. Is there another fish that may be harrassing your tang?
I would say as long as he doesn't have a hollowed out stomach he should be fine for awhile.
Good Luck!