Yellow tile star fish

Was not sure where to post this. I have a yellow tile star fish and a crocea clam in my tank. I saw the star fish finger get caught in the clam. He is always crawling all over the clam. Well now looks like the tip of the finger has fallen off. and looks like the area maybe getting worse? ever heard of this and how do i treat it.

small triggers

Active Member
i wouldnt worry to much about that, there isnt anything on the market as far an infection for starfish anyways that i know of. Just make sure your water quality is as perfect as possible with little fluxuation over the next few days/weeks


Active Member
Can you tell me how long you have had this star, what size tank, what your parameters are, and how much LR you have? Has this star ever taken to spot feeding?
It will not regrow if this is acclimation shock or starvation, both very real possibilities, which is why timeline and tank info is important.
Disintegration, or "melting" of the arm tips, is a sign of a dying seastar in many cases.
135 gallon tank...150lbs live rock....per. are perfect tested all yesterday. Been up for a year. It has not started spot feeding I have had the star for 1 month


Active Member
Hi, what are your specific water parameters, esp pH, alkalinity, calcium and specific gravity?
Is this a reef tank?
I am very very concerned that this is the 1 month mark, as many of these stars die around this point of acclimation shock. So this is now a wait and see game. But it is important to know your parameters to ensure that it is in ideal conditions - in particular specific gravity of 1.025-1.026. How did you acclimate it?
Spot feeding for these stars - which are not commonly seen in the hobby - is a "try anything" sort of thing. Meaty foods, algae sheets, may not be interested in it. Its care should be similar to Linckia, which needs a lot of mature live rock in a reef tank.
ok....specific gravity is 1.023, ammonia 0, PH 8.2, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. That is all the tests I have for it. I drip accumated for 1.5hr


Active Member
Your specific gravity, IMO, is fatally low, or at least highly stressful for a starfish like this. I would not go below 1.024 and IMO even that is low. If you are measuring with a hydrometer, there is a further chance that this may be off. I would be concerned with this level of specific gravity. Do you have a reef tank?
OK i was watching my six banded angel fish today nipping at the star....Was not aware he would do this...anyone else have this problem?


I have a orange linkia and he got caught up in one of my maxi jets about a week ago. Two of his legs were damaged and part of them fell off. the tips of the 2 legs are now healed over and he is doing fine. Just my experience I hope yours pulls through. I would try and keep the angle away from him..