Yellow Watchman Goby??

I have a question about these guys I just got on from this site and do they take long to settle in all he does go up and down one side of the tank for 24hrs now never had a fish do that. Is this normal?


Originally Posted by lessthanlethal
I have a question about these guys I just got on from this site and do they take long to settle in all he does go up and down one side of the tank for 24hrs now never had a fish do that. Is this normal?
What's normal
....I had one, it never settled in, and then it jumped be sure you have a good lid...
Is something chasing it?
meowzer thanks for the quick reply. nobody is bothering him. I thought they were cool fish? the up and down is not working for me. He did stop to eat but then went back to the up and down and is hitting his jaw and it looks scratched up.


Active Member
As long as he is eating all is good for now. Keep feeding him, use some vitamins too. How did you acclimate him? I ask because maybe he is having a little bit of a hard time with the difference in the water from the fish store to your tank, I would turn the lights out for 24 hours and see how it goes.


Originally Posted by lessthanlethal
meowzer thanks for the quick reply. nobody is bothering him. I thought they were cool fish? the up and down is not working for me. He did stop to eat but then went back to the up and down and is hitting his jaw and it looks scratched up.
HMMMM....IDK then....sounds like a fish would act under stress
I got one cause I thought it was cool too....BUT I guess since it jumped, it didn't think I was cool
As long as he is eating all is good for now. Keep feeding him, use some vitamins too. How did you acclimate him? I ask because maybe he is having a little bit of a hard time with the difference in the water from the fish store to your tank, I would turn the lights out for 24 hours and see how it goes.
I got him off this site and did the drip acclimation for an hour. I will let him rest.
I got one cause I thought it was cool too....BUT I guess since it jumped, it didn't think I was cool
meowzer- he probably didnt think your (tank) was cool. lol you got your tanks running any cooler?


Originally Posted by lessthanlethal
meowzer- he probably didnt think your (tank) was cool. lol you got your tanks running any cooler?
YUP...tank temp is great now
...This is the 225g, and I never really had a big issue with that one anyway....
OH...and it jumped during the winter


I got one of these little fellas yesterday at my LFS and he did the same thing for awhile. Now all he does is sit on top of my mag float lol. Doesnt go into the sand of on the rocks but sits on top of the mag float that is pulled down to the bottom and I hate to move it up to the top cause he seems to like it. Guess I will give him a few days then I will move it back to the top.