yep more animals


Active Member
well got 6 chicken hens.spent 2 full days building a coop and run.they have 160 sq ft off room and laying boxes.this site wont let me post pics ? so now i have 6 hens,4 donkeys,2 horses,a pony and 3 goats.oh the life on a farm.stupid hens been there 2 days and no eggs yet.they better start laying them or they will be dinner next weekend


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///t/392862/yep-more-animals#post_3491191
well got 6 chicken hens.spent 2 full days building a coop and run.they have 160 sq ft off room and laying boxes.this site wont let me post pics ? so now i have 6 hens,4 donkeys,2 horses,a pony and 3 goats.oh the life on a farm.stupid hens been there 2 days and no eggs yet.they better start laying them or they will be dinner next weekend
How early are you getting out there to look for eggs? We used to have chickens and if the eggs were not fertile (no rooster around) the chickens would eat the eggs and all that would be left is a small spot of goo. I was told the chickens lacked something in their diets that case them to do that...
I looked this up:
There might be some chickens that will start to eat their own eggs. By keeping a close watch on them, you can find out if this is happening. If it is, you should take steps to make sure that they do not continue to do this.
Prevent the habit from starting

  • Line your nests with soft padding to decrease the likelihood of an egg breaking. The habit most often starts when an egg breaks accidentally and the chickens start pecking at the broken egg. Also, limit nests to one nest per every 4 (or less) hens to prevent crowding. If too many hens use the nest, eggs are more likely to get trampled or break.

  • Sometimes, the habit can be traced to a nutritional deficiency. Make sure you are feeding your chickens the proper diet.

  • Egg eating can also occur when the light is too bright, nests are on the floor, when there is insufficient nest litter.
    Some farmers throw broken or cracked eggs on the floor for chickens to eat. Don't do this.
    If you feed them eggs make sure they're cooked
    When an egg breaks, clean it up as quickly and thoroughly as possible to prevent the chickens from tasting the egg.


Well-Known Member
LOL....That is one awesome chicken coop! How old are they...they look pretty young in the picture. The big one, is the big one because no doubt she comes hoping for the food...LOL


Well-Known Member
My mother grew up on a farm, according to her...a chicken will not lay eggs unless there is a won't matter if it is fertile, they won't lay an egg without one with them.


Active Member
really flower i will have to look into that.i have a good friend who sells the chicks she gets .she has 4 coops. and a huge incubater.i talked to her today and she just said they are stressed.
no crops beth ...and dont give my wife any ideas


Active Member
i just called my friend and she said its not true that they need a rooster. she has been raising chickens for 20 years and sells the chicks. so i guess i just let them settle in for now


Active Member
no wifes friend gave us 12 hens and 3 roosters. we kept 7 hens.i wrote 6 before. i took the rest to another friends. they were going off like crazy.cute at first but after a month it would get old. i hear enough from my donkey believe me.


Active Member
I used to care for 5 hens (no rooster) and they laid more eggs than I knew what to do with. I still hate eggs to this day.


Well-Known Member
LOL...I am no farm girl...I was only passing information. My mom seems very sure...I'm going to try a google search to see what comes up.....................................
Well....I did my poor old mom, I may not tell her how WRONG she was.
Chickens will lay eggs regardless of whether a rooster is present. A chicken will not hatch from the egg unless the egg was fertilized by a rooster. The rooster fertilizes the chicken through sexual reproduction similar to mammals and humans
Read more: Is a Rooster Necessary for a Hen to Lay Eggs? |


Active Member
yea this thing is like a bit over an inch maybe an inch and a half .it would take 6 of them for an i gave 2 other friends hens and said he has gotten an egg everyday and 2 yesterday.he only has 2 other friend has 3 hens and 2 roosters from me and not one egg yet.i would bet since it has cooled down out side(65) out right now i see more eggs.
next weekend i have someone coming out to pick up my paint horse and break him to ride.he is stubborn and aint that nice to the donks and pony .