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You can't be naive enough to believe the line of crap you are spreading.
Arbitration has N O T H I N G to do with filing criminal charges, period.
I'm not so sure these days. My current employer is perfectly happy, and also encourages me, to break the law, because it's in their best interests to do so. I don't particularly care, because I can fend for myself, but there are curumstances under which that's not possible. I.e. one is too young to have knowledge of the law, etc.
And yes, I would be fine with my wife or daughter working for any company that uses arbitration because the smart business policies would probably lead to better pay and benefits.
OK, lemme know how that works out for you.
Yes, Bublicans take bribes but they are not in the pockets of groups to the extent the Democrats are.
Oh, you're absolutely right there. The Republocrats are all about playing withing the law. That's why they're losing.
Unions and the plaintiffs bar give nearly all of their money to the Dems. The only thing that comes close for the Republicans is evangelical Christians. Ooooo, Scary
Yah. Corporations and their lawyers don't play that game. They're all about fairness to the employee. That's why we don't need laws limiting what employers are allowed to do. They will naturally pick the best situation for their workers. Yup, yup. Capitalism dictates that no-one get taken advantage of...
We should return to the unregulated days of 19th Century England. That's when Capitalism was at it's best.