Yes or No to Backscatter Machines at airports??


Active Member
They'll just distribute radiation dose meters to the frequent flyers. When it turns red, they've reached their flying quota for the year.

Wonder what would happen if someone got stuck in the machine, and they couldn't turn it off? How much radiation would you absorb before they could get to the plug or breaker box?


Active Member
If it prevents someone from lighting their crotch on fire and setting off some midair be it. Now with that said, all xray precautions must be in play.


Active Member
If the screened Darth and Reef, they could crank up the musical diddy 'Thong Song' before they entered the box.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
If the screened Darth and Reef, they could crank up the musical diddy 'Thong Song' before they entered the box.

Of course Bionic would cause the machine to melt down, some smells are just too much for even the latest technology


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Rosie Odonnell fly's a lot. You sure you want that job?

Just seeing Rosie O'donnell required to wear a burka may be enough reason to surrender to the radical muslims.
As to the new screening: most screeners are just staring into space (or the clock) and won't see anything anyway....and they may soon be unionized, that makes me feel safer already!


Well-Known Member
I withdraw my concern about the radiation exposure from these machines. They give .005-.009 mrems, while normal exposure is about 300 mrem per year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I withdraw my concern about the radiation exposure from these machines. They give .005-.009 mrems, while normal exposure is about 300 mrem per year.
Wow!! So at .009 you'd have to pass theough the machines 33,333 times to get to the normal level of 300!!


Staff member
Here's the problem. If we keep making flying unpleasant enough, people will simply stop flying. Bye-bye another American industry. Already, many people avoid flying, including me.
The only reason to fly is because it gets you to your destination faster. Ironically, in many instances, that can't even be said anymore.
I don't know what the answer is, but making customers miserable isn't the answer.
Perhaps not allowing anyone on any terror list board any type of public transportation is in order. Oh, maybe I'm being too harsh.


Active Member
How is making someone walk through a machine going to make flying more inconvenient? If anything it will make lines move faster because it eliminated the need to pat down or wand anyone.


Active Member
........and lets go back to treating foreign terrorists like the prisoners of war; they are not purse snatchers and sure aren't entitled to Miranda readings and trials in normal courts. Send them to Gitmo, one of the most humane and openly visable prisons in the world....and the most secure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Here's the problem. If we keep making flying unpleasant enough, people will simply stop flying. Bye-bye another American industry. Already, many people avoid flying, including me.
The only reason to fly is because it gets you to your destination faster. Ironically, in many instances, that can't even be said anymore.
I don't know what the answer is, but making customers miserable isn't the answer.
Perhaps not allowing anyone on any terror list board any type of public transportation is in order. Oh, maybe I'm being too harsh.

All of this just shows that the terrorists are winning....they are very patient and don't give a rats dupa how many of them we kill---the joy of martyrdom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Here's the problem. If we keep making flying unpleasant enough, people will simply stop flying. Bye-bye another American industry. Already, many people avoid flying, including me.
The only reason to fly is because it gets you to your destination faster. Ironically, in many instances, that can't even be said anymore.
I don't know what the answer is, but making customers miserable isn't the answer.
Perhaps not allowing anyone on any terror list board any type of public transportation is in order. Oh, maybe I'm being too harsh.

I'm sorry, but I'm not taking a boat to travel internationally!!
Flying is not bad at all!! I fly about 30,000 miles a year and most of the time I am in and out of security with no problems. The longest I think I've ever stood in line was 20 minutes at LAX.
I agree with Reef....If I can walk into a machine have a picture taken and walk out...that's much easier than getting pulled out of line after going through the metal detector and getting pat-down.
Those who don't fly are nuts!! Flying is the best method of transportation....hands down!! Or they are just scared of flying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Here's the problem. If we keep making flying unpleasant enough, people will simply stop flying. Bye-bye another American industry. Already, many people avoid flying, including me.
I don't know, airplanes dive bombing into buildings and near misses are an even greater deterrent to the American industry. I would think better of flying if I had to go through that xray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I don't know, airplanes dive bombing into buildings and near misses are an even greater deterrent to the American industry. I would think better of flying if I had to go through that xray.
I was just at WTC last night!! Took some people there....I hate going there!! I saw way too much than the rest of the world did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I don't think it's a privacy issue so much as a health issue. Radiation is always hazardous, even a very low doses because the dosage is cumulative. So I would perhaps be worried if I were a frequent-flier.
Well, while we are at it, lets talk about cell phones...
Originally Posted by Beth
Here's the problem. If we keep making flying unpleasant enough, people will simply stop flying. Bye-bye another American industry. Already, many people avoid flying, including me.
The only reason to fly is because it gets you to your destination faster. Ironically, in many instances, that can't even be said anymore.
I don't know what the answer is, but making customers miserable isn't the answer.
Perhaps not allowing anyone on any terror list board any type of public transportation is in order. Oh, maybe I'm being too harsh.

I think the tree huggers are more of a worry than superman glasses...
Originally Posted by 9supratt4

I'm sorry, but I'm not taking a boat to travel internationally!!
Flying is not bad at all!! I fly about 30,000 miles a year and most of the time I am in and out of security with no problems. The longest I think I've ever stood in line was 20 minutes at LAX.
I agree with Reef....If I can walk into a machine have a picture taken and walk out...that's much easier than getting pulled out of line after going through the metal detector and getting pat-down.
Those who don't fly are nuts!! Flying is the best method of transportation....hands down!! Or they are just scared of flying.
You should look at flying out of orange county. That is a fun airport to fly out of, feels very nostalgic, almost like a time capsule...
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to get past the TSA in an airport. Now they xray our shoes, what is next colon enemas for everyone after someone fails to explode his poop bomb?