your mom is so fat she throws a boomer-rang around her waist to put her belt on.
your mom is so dumb she thought Boys2Men was a day care camp
your mom is so fat her year book photo was an aerial picture shot from a airplane
your mom is so fat her blood type is.... Gravy!
your mom is so dumb it took her an hour to cook minute rice.
Here is a good You might be a redneck if....... Your Bicycle has a gun rack!!!!
yo momma so fat she got rid of one size fits all
yo momma so stupid she sat in front of the fridge for three hours cause the orange juice said concentrate
yo momma so fat she got more chins than a hong kong phone book
yo momma so old when the lord said let there be light she flipped the switch
Originally Posted by alyssia
Yo mommas armpits smell so bad her secret told on her.
Yo momma is so dumb. When she took the Pepsi Challenge, she chose SKIPPY