You dont have to cycle a tank


Active Member
Let the lfs do it for you.
Cycling a tank is the process by which you build up enough benefitial bacteria on you filter media to convert ammonia into harmless nitrate. The lfs has media in thier filters that have plenty of this bacteria in them already. The lfs I go to has Biochem bead bags in theirs. They were more than happy to sell my some used ones for the price of new ones. This is usually the case in independant stores, and even chain stores if the fish guy is cool. If they dont use what you use, maybe they have sheets of floss or noodles or whatever, it can still work. Get some of whatever they have and place it in the water flow just ahead of your new media. The first method is instant cycle, the second takes a day or two for enough bacteria to transfer.
Note: Make sure they bag up the material like livestock in a bag of tank water and 75 % air.


Active Member
That sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately there are no LFS that I know of in which I would want their water in my tank.


Active Member
Let me be a little more specific.
Treat the media as you would any other livestock.
1) Float the bag in your tank until the temps are equal
2) Discard ( DO NOT POUR INTO YOUR TANK ) 25% of the water in the bag and replace it with tank water.
3) Repeat step 2 4 or 5 times.
4) Shake the bag vigorously to lossen any debris, then rinse with tank water.
5) Place this media in the filters water flow ahead of any media you have in there, or simply use this media if you got a sufficient amount.
6) The first batch of live stock should be added within 48 hours or the bacteria will die.
Never put store water in your tank. It may contain medications and additive you don't want.
IMHO, If you suspect that there may be parasites or disease in the lfs filter media, find another store.


Active Member
if your using there media, why not just add there water? any meds or anything is going to be in the media as well.
and imo, adding just the media is not enough to populate the whole tank with healthy bacteria.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
if your using there media, why not just add there water? any meds or anything is going to be in the media as well.
and imo, adding just the media is not enough to populate the whole tank with healthy bacteria.

I agree.


Active Member
i agree with teen 100%. i wouldn't put any lfs media into my tank because of what they might treat their tanks with. alot of lfs use copper in their tanks and then put in a fresh charcoal pad to remove the medication. they change their filter pads every 3 days and when they do they are way dirty and nasty. you are just playing with matches and your tank will be the thing that gets burned by your haste.


Active Member
So you're saying that a quart of water will have the same ammount of meds in it as a rinsed out piece of floss or quart of ceramic noodles ?
The ammount of meds in the filter material wouldn't even harm corals in a 20 gallon tank and would be remove after only 1 circulation of the water through and chemical media.
In 25 years of keeping salt this is the only way I've ever done it and have never had an ammonia "spike" over 10, and have never had any copper in any tank, even as small as 20 gallons.


Active Member
i don't like to take unecessary risks when it comes to the health, stability and well being of my tank. this hobby takes patience and there is no need or reason to rush things. a tank that has cycled properly will be a better tank IMO. many people waste alot of time and money buying and looking for something that is going to give them instant gratification. if you are looking to have a quick "fix" that is fine but there are alot of people who come here to get good sound advice on how to set up and have a succesful tank. trying to sell newcomers on an idea that may or may not work will only discourage people from this hobby. it this method works for you than great keep it up....but i think it is a much safer and more succesful way for people to cycle their tank with a raw shrimp or uncured live rock. this will also get people used to doing tests on their tanks and learning what to look for and how to fix it. JMO


Not way do I want any thing from any LFS in my setups. I do not use any kind of filter media anyhow, just live rock.


i think its a good idea if you trust your LFS. My LFS in al Natural and only doses coral vital. A better idea would be taking part of the bio pad from the shops display tank. this way you get the good stuff and you know that there are no harmful chems in it.
since im cycling my 20 im gonna do it and let everyone know what happens


Active Member
Originally Posted by xxxgreg
nothing huh , so a where do you get your livestock?
from this webite


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
So you're saying that a quart of water will have the same ammount of meds in it as a rinsed out piece of floss or quart of ceramic noodles ?
The ammount of meds in the filter material wouldn't even harm corals in a 20 gallon tank and would be remove after only 1 circulation of the water through and chemical media.
In 25 years of keeping salt this is the only way I've ever done it and have never had an ammonia "spike" over 10, and have never had any copper in any tank, even as small as 20 gallons.
an ammonia spike of ten isnt good for fish in my book.
and, hate to break it to you, but times change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
an ammonia spike of ten isnt good for fish in my book.
and, hate to break it to you, but times change.
First off, you can have ICK eggs on the media that you can't wash off.
2nd, the little bit of media is good for a jumpstart, but No where near the amount of bacteria for a tank to sustain inhabitants.
Good idea though...but most LFS have ICK as they get the fish that way..
To me the ends don't justify the means..Just wait the extra 2 weeks it saves you.
The ocean wasn't built over night...Niether will your tank.


Active Member
I have set up a 20 gal long using LR from, and 60% of it's water from my established 55 gal. I am under no illusion that I will not have a cycle on my hands (it's been a while and I'm pretty stoked). I think it's nature at it's finest and you can't get around it.
BTW, ich parasite can survive without a host. Don't ever let your guard down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
So you're saying that a quart of water will have the same ammount of meds in it as a rinsed out piece of floss or quart of ceramic noodles ?
The ammount of meds in the filter material wouldn't even harm corals in a 20 gallon tank and would be remove after only 1 circulation of the water through and chemical media.
In 25 years of keeping salt this is the only way I've ever done it and have never had an ammonia "spike" over 10, and have never had any copper in any tank, even as small as 20 gallons.
Listen to yourself, Dave. You are saying that the media that PUTs the Meds in there (from the LFS) is also going to filter it out. :scared:
I'm sorry. I would also never let a 3 or 4 yr old child feed my $10,000.00 tank (exagg) unsupervised. Not only for the sake of the tank.
But that's just MO.


Nothing good happens fast in this hobby
take the time and do your tank Cycling with live rock or some frozen shrimp


Active Member
Theres also ich eggs in live rock.
I never let my daughter feed my tank unattended, she was eating a bowl of cereal on the couch and threw it in when I went to the bathroom.
Times change, have nitrosomas and nitrosonomas evolved since I started ?
I've actually done this with a new system that had 10000 fish go in within 24 hours. I didn't really want to put that big a load on it but that many showed up and they couldn't stay in the boxes.