If you look at the your internet history, and it shows you've been to SWF.com 5 times each day... you might be a reef addict
If you look at other peoples tanks on youtube..you might be a reef addict.
If you are reading this...you ARE a reef addict!
When you read/write posts and use DT/QT/hypo/LMB/BTA....you know what they mean but everyone else around you has no idea. Especially when you say you are happy with your DTs...most people think it strange as the 'Dts' are what you have when you are in drug/alcohol rehab.
Originally Posted by SrgVigil http:///forum/post/2553466
If your more sad because you have to leave your tank more than your parents when you go to college, you may be a reef addict
Yes...good one
I knew I shoulda took a pic. But Saturday, in my kitchen sink I had my sons b-day cake mixing bowl that I needed to wash. The spatula, the baking pans...and a nasty ol' SEIO powerhead.
Originally Posted by PrevWon http:///forum/post/2172793
Haha this thread is great, subscribed!
If you'd rather spend your money on a reef than college then you might be a reef addict.
done that. Had to stay in an extra symester because of it. put off getting married for a year. Funny thing is I have no regrets. Except I wish I'd bought a better and bigger tank.
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/post/2558360
put off getting married for a year. Funny thing is I have no regrets. Except I wish I'd bought a better and bigger tank.
lol good one (or bad one i do not know)
Originally Posted by reefkprZ http:///forum/post/2559665
you may be a reef addict if you dont add salt to your food because there is enough on your fingers.
lol will it give me high blood pressure??????????????????