you know youre a reef addict when...


Family and friends stop coming over because all you do is make them stare at the tank with you
you have learned more chemistry owning this tank than you ever did in school
You can name every creature in your tank by its latin name, but still cant remember your spouses birthday
every 5 purchases on your credit card statement are tank related
your children will need to get a scholarship because the college fund is gone
You spend most of your vacations on the phone checking in with the caretaker of your tank
You have named a fish
You have more test kits than the high school science department
you have tasted the salt mix
salt, iodine, calcium are no longer a condiment, antibacterial medicine, or milk in your current understanding
You laugh at freshwater tanks
and you post here everyday!


Stay up all night rearranging rocks, stay up all night worrying over something, getting up at 4 in the morning to check on something in your tank and then staring at pods, paying 7-8 dollars a pound for rocks, cleaning your glass and going around the snails so they can finish eating. Having deadly poisonous corals in your tank and loving it. Feeding a clownfish pair that viciously attacks you every time you stick your arm in there!!! Umm I can admit to alot more if I think about it :D Carrie


So True So True. Love it. :yes:

Staying up till 1 in the morning just to see if anyone has posted anything new on the BB.
Dreaming about your tank every ight.


So True So True. Love it. :yes:

Staying up till 1 in the morning just to see if anyone has posted anything new on the BB.
Dreaming about your tank every night.


Active Member
Does Jeff Foxworthy know about this??
THe rock price got me too!
How about that glazed over look people get when you steer most every conversation towards your tank?


Active Member
You have had to consider the structural integrity of your floor because you want a bigger piece of the ocean in your house.
OR. . .when your looking at these boards on a Friday night!!


Forget the awake hours!! I have drempt that my anemone split and I was flustered as to what to do!! I had this dream for like a week straight!! (It was when I first got him). :)


Active Member
you never have any money because you spend it ALL at your local fish store
your mom refuses to give you any allowence over the summer because she says she cant keep supporting my obsession
after you get home from play rehersal at 9, and after your 15 hours days, you star at your tank for another hour, then check these boards...THEN do your hw
you are falling behind in your hw because you are more worried about yoru pod count than your GPA
you say no to going to six flags with the cast of the play you are in because you needmore money to buy more equipment for the tank you are setting up
only one person in the entire school will ever listen to you because all you talk about is your tank, and they still have no idea whats going on "but it sounds pretty"
you fall behind on sleep just from looking at your tank too much, even the one with no fish in it yet because it is still cycling.
you pay 7 bucks a pound for rocks with algae growing on it....and happy to do so!
your roomis not littered with cloths or toys, but test kits, water conditiner, food, and wrappers from thigsn you buy for your tank
your floor is 50percent covered in water sitting in jugs getting ready for water changes.
you tell people you cant do anything during the entire weekend because one of your fish is sick
you plan your weekend around the hours that your LFS are open
whenever someone asks what you want to go to college for, or do when you grow up, people skip over you because they already know the awnser is being a marine biologist
i can go on.... but theone that takes the cake is.....
you are this obsessed and have only been doing it since the beginning of january. haha
good idea, iwas actualy going to start one, i went to the reef section to actualy create the thread when i found this.
great midns think alike


Active Member
...Instead of watching a movie with your girlfriend you feed your fish. Then when your girlfriend asks a question about how long the movie is you resort to talking about your light schedule.


You cant wait to get out the flashlight on a friday night. You read numerous saltwater catalogs and know the page numbers of everything you want, by heart.


New Member
Absolutely :hilarious :hilarious . I haven't got my tank up as of yet, but everything I read here is right on target. I am going nuts just reading everything I can get my hands on!!!! Loved the read keep it coming. : :happy: :happy:


Active Member
You found extra money and can't decide to get the groceries your kids need or that some thing special for the tank.

This is great.
Your livingroom is decor is tropical, your bathroom decor is reef, your kitchen is seashells, ect...
You buy extra sand for your kids sandbox to use in your tank.


New Member
You find yourself trying to convince GOD that your tithing for this week would look really ,really good in your tank , instead of the collection plate. Especially since it involves one of HIS own creatures. :) :)


I've got laundry up to my ears and I keep staring at this goby sifting sand through his gills.
What's wrong with me!!! (my kids keep saying "why do we always find you by the tank?")
It's so ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just tasted the salt mix, strange.
How 'bout:
-You carry pics of your tank, fish and corals but none of your girlfriend or kids
-Your tank gets better water than you do
-Your fish and corals eat better than you (prime seafood vs Ramen noodles)
and finally,
-You go nuts when you can't check postings because the board is being updated (but doing a great job though).


Thought of one more
You contemplate buying night vision goggles so you can see everything in your tank at night


*You resort to "self hair-cuts" cause the $40 would look better in your tank :yes:
*Been there, done that, posted it on swf.