You know you're addicted when.......


when you tell your new roommate not to use the ice in the freezer cuz it's for your fishtank...
i got such a disgusted look from her step-mother
thankfully it's gotten cooler already in the room and no longer requires cooling. :cheer:


Active Member
Mine? that was really funny

How about when you go home for the holidays and bring pix not from your wedding, not from your honeymoon, not of your new apartment, but of the corals, fish and inverts in your fishtank.

...not that I would know anything about that....not at all......


when your favorit fish dies and you give the fish a more expensive funural then you would spend on your wife.

darth tang

Active Member
When you have taken one of your dead fish to the taxidermist because you can't part with him yet.
Ok, that might be a bit morbid, but I thought about it. I loved that Lionfish!


Active Member
hahaha this whole thread is funny!
When you start making up your own super hero thats name is a fish.
EXAMPLE: volitan the kid who got stung by a volitan lionfish now he has super lionfish powers!!!!!!!
:help: it could happen


how about when all available fans in your dorm are pointed at your tank, not you, so your fish don't get too hot...


Active Member
When your apartment is 100 degrees you spend $600.00 to buy an airconditioner not for your apartment but for your saltwater tank


Active Member
When you have over 1500 posts on a saltwater fish forums...just talking about tanks...
When your email has something to do with saltwater fish...
When you have 7 tanks...
When you spend as much on electricity for the tanks as your whole house.
When you take in fish that can no longer be cared for by thier current owners.
When your fish get filtered water and you drink tap.
When you actually have a operating expense budget for your tanks.
When you aquascape your tank tons of times to get it JUST RIGHT
When everyone at work asks you hows the tank and not your family.
When you are up at midnight posting on a sw forum when you know you are addicted.

And personal to me:
Design your house around tanks
When you drive 1,500 Miles to pick up a tank..
Drive through 2 of the largest Hurricanes in Floridia to get it. One was charlie.
Cut open a Brand new wall to install it.


Active Member
when all of the conversations you hold with people, even who have no interest, is about your fish or your plans..
when you have time to kill or a day off you go to your buddies lfs to help set up a new filtration system for free.
when you have more pictures of your tanks and fish than you do of your family.
when your entire day is planned around taking care of the fish tank first.
when you spend 3 hours trying to get that "perfect picture"
when you go to get some food for yourself you think about the fish first!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
if in math class your teacher says whats 2+2 you say 4gal fish tank or 4 fish
More like when your friends are talking about reefers and you're thinking corals


:happyfish You decline a party invitation or outing with friends because you have a 'prior engagement'... with your tank.
:happyfish Your tank is fully stocked but you still drive to the lfs and spend an hour or two looking at the new arrivals, then drive home empty-handed and satisfied.


You start having withdrawels when you go on vacation, so you have to find and visit LFS where you are vacationing, just to check and see what they have.
You call home, and the first question out of your mouth is "How are the tanks ? After finding out all is cool with the tanks, and your family hasn't killed off anything by accident. Then you ask, "By the way, how ya all doing ?"... LOL