i personally believe in conservative stocking
I feel that the bioload is definitely something ot consider
I also think taht large fish should have room to be happy and have debated both issues many times
QIUTE extensivley, too I might add
but, in this thread, I feel enough has been said already, all that I can do is agree
the tank, being up for over a year, looks great, but if I had to guess, I am guessing that all those fish are merely half grown, if that.
Who knows what the future holds for those fishes.
Aq, you seem quite adamant to say taht those fish are fine together and will be. Your point seems slightly valid, with the exception of the fact that:
You do already apparently know that they are not fine, and will need a different home in the futre. And have made and executed these plans. How can you admittedly say they are moved or will be moving and have plans to do so. AND continue to say they are and will be fine, knowing you are ready for it.,
You are swearing and advising one thing but doing the opposite yourself. Don't instigate an arguement, you do not intend to back. Just saying you believe and will argue it, but not follow it, sounds like trolling
falmehawk, although I agree with you and do not find yours to be nearly as offensive as some I may have wrote, we realy do need to tone down a little.
I PERSONALLY WILL NOT ADIVSE IT, but it is your tank.......
No one ever complained about haveing more room themselves, and it never once hurt anyone to have extra elbow room. But not doing so, has done the opposite.
not the police, but we do feel strongly about our marine adoptees we keep, right flamehawk?