Alright since none of you complained about my constant spamming of this thread, here is a another one.
We, the hobbyists all have had our mishaps such as where we leave water unattended while doing a water change and flood our floors or adjust the skimmer's air bubbles wrong and make the skimmer flow out mess our floors up.
That's due to our mistakes, carelessness at times.
This story is about how life threw a curve ball at me as the form of a baby.
As well you as you guys know, I have a 72g bow front.
I also had a 20g long tank as a qt right next to my display tank as a hospital tank or quarantine tank on the floor.
I had many instance where he would throw his cereals in the water to "feed" the fish and such. (I know, why no hood right? that's because I'm super cheap. There I said it.) Thank the lord there wasn't any casualties while he threw his things in there.
(I remember one of the member's child put a chicken nugget inside the tank and could almost visualize my boy doing the same thing)
Now, I have gotten a new fish and as a recommended by many, I started qting the fish. I notice the fish has a 1 or 2 spots of ick so I treat the tank with quick cure. My son is AMAZED how the water turned blue and claps and runs in circles in excitement while speaking to me in his baby gibberish. By this time, I have put on a reptile cover on top (I used to have snakes, bearded dragons) so that my son won't try to touch formalin with his hands and try to put it in his mouth.
I did the treatment for a week and did a 50% water change and then ran carbon and did additional 25% following week and started to observe the fish. My son, always curious ran over every time I did this. Giggling out aloud, clapping and screaming in baby gibberish. I was doing my usual observation, then turned around to get something and next thing i hear is splash, crack. Feeling sick, I turn around and my son is inside the tank. ALL wet and happy, trying to catch the scared to death fish (which died later by the way
) and bottom of the tank was cracked started to leak water but to me, my son was more important then impending flood so I grabbed him out of it immediately and luckily no scratches or cuts on his little feet. I call for my wife for help and then start to do a damage control. Water is now EVERY WHERE. My rug is no longer good. My wooden stairway is soaked as well as anything near it. My work papers are wet. I'm running around like a mad man trying to salvage what I can. I grab the papers, separate them so that they won't stick to one another lay them out on the table, roll out the rug and start mopping the water into a bucket and carefully throw away now my broken qt...
After several hours later, house was some what back to normal and then here it came.
Hurricane WIFE. I was yelled at for not watching him properly that he could have gotten hurt etc etc and that this was more work then anything else in our lives etc etc, that it's a nuisance etc etc.
Now we look back and we laugh at it because it's precious memory to us.
In conclusion I think children is our biggest joy, our biggest asset however also our biggest tank killers lol.
Thanks for reading guys.