your worst mess up on a reef tank


Active Member
not too many mistakes here- tried button polyps under a NO bulb- they didnt die but came close- but that is about it:confused:


Mixing tropic marin biocalcium in large qaunity with tank water and adding it to the tank slowly. Im guessing it was stripping some things out of the water. Nothing died but everything looks so much better now after switching to klakwasser.
Adding my very first firefish in with a huge green serpent star that I got for free when I bought live rock from someone shutting down a reef. Lets just say it was an expensive meal, and a b#tch to get out of the tank.
Coming home a little tipsy last weekend. seeing firefish swimming around in overflow again. " can wait till morning" He sqeezed himself through a hole and found his way in the drip plate. I found him when I woke up and put him back in his home he swam around for a little while but, I belive he became hermit food.
I guess I just wasn't ment to have a firefish. Its funny that I have not one fish in my tank that I planned on getting from the initial plans.


Thought I would revive this thread...
My first tank... I came home to a new overflow added to a new tank that I had bought. I was out of town and my friend got me started with a triangular center overflow as a father's day present. After I set the tank up I discovered that the overflow wasn't big enough to handle the flow rate that I wanted from the return pump, so I cut some teeth out (doh!). First thing that happened was that a piece of plastic got caught in the impeller of my iwaki and toasted it. The next thing that happened was that a snail went up and over in the overflow (who knew?) and got caught in the gate valve regulating the overflow water height and the tank flooded from the sump (return line too low in the sump) onto the hardwoods. So the floor warped a little.
The very next week, i turned on the makeup water, which was hooked to the main water supply through a Kold-Steril unit. The kids started fighting and I forgot about it and went to work. The wife took the kids and went shopping. 5 hours later I got a call, water everywhere - half the 1st floor, salinity in the tank was 1.010.
Broke down the tank, took my fairly new and hardy fish to the LFS. Traded in the LR for a credit. Floors warped big time. Had to get half the 1st floor hardwoods of my house replaced. Spent 2 weeks in a hotel room with 3 kids and a very stressed out wife.
Total cost? $15,000 - $20,000 (paid for mostly by insurance). All because I let my friend install the wrong overflow :)
Latest tank has redundant systems to prevent disasters. I learned a lot. I've only had 2 mini-leaks (cracked pipe, and a protien skimmer overflow).
What a hobby.