You're babies!


Originally Posted by lietz06
are meowzer & trixy brother and sister? what kind of dog is pixie? rosie is a cutie along with her twin in the background:) i was thinkin, that's wierd that that dog is laying on the bottom shelf of her table, lol!
Nope found Trixy at a pet shop..LOL...took one look at her and had to have her...
I delivered Meowzer here :)
Not 100% about Pixie...she is supposedly part chihuahua and yorkie
LOL...that's a statue behind Rosie


Active Member
I need to get some updated shots, but here's my boy...
Long day on the couch..

Doesnt fit in the chair quite so well anymore..


When we got him they said they didn't know how old he was and that he was just dropped off at the Humane Society. I would guess him to be 2ish. The white ring on his neck ends there. The other side has no white. He does have 4 white socks though. When I get home tonight I will post some other pics.


Originally Posted by Mindy2577
When we got him they said they didn't know how old he was and that he was just dropped off at the Humane Society. I would guess him to be 2ish. The white ring on his neck ends there. The other side has no white. He does have 4 white socks though. When I get home tonight I will post some other pics.
That's awesome you got him from the humane society! he looks purebred! how much does he weigh? yeah, i would looove to see more pics:) i love it when i find someone with the same breed of dogs we have, don't come across them very often.


Originally Posted by meowzer
Nope found Trixy at a pet shop..LOL...took one look at her and had to have her...
I delivered Meowzer here :)
Not 100% about Pixie...she is supposedly part chihuahua and yorkie
LOL...that's a statue behind Rosie
so is meowzer trixy's baby? they sure do look a lot alike...I'm sure ppl ask you all the time if their related, lol! I like Pixie's coloring...she looks like her fur is really soft! Meowzer is the only one that doesn't fit in with the i's...trixy, pixie, rosie:)


LOL...NO...Meowzer is the oldest...he is Kitty Kats baby....(she died :( )
She was born here, with 7 when she was a week old a different cat that I had jumped on him and broke his back....SOOO from that day on I had him by my side...I really had no intention of keeping any of the litter but I had to keep him after this happened....I had no clue that he would heal so well...BUT I would never give him up...he is special...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
You have some awesome babies! that one that's real huge by the tree is a lil too big for me, lol! I really like the orange cobras. are those poisnious? can you handle them? thanks for sharing:)
The big one, by the tree, is the biggest baby. She is handled on a daily basis and I've taken her to educational seminars. She hisses, when you're getting her out of her cage but once out, she's a puppy.
And yes, the Cobras are venomous. They will be handled as little as possible. Their custom cages are being built with trap doors, on their hide boxes, so that when I need to clean their cages, they will be in separate boxes, with no chance of being bitten.
Thanks for the compliments, as well. They're not your typical pet, but I love them all.