zero edge tanks


Originally Posted by Ibew
was that on the tank without any water yeah I didn't even realize it till my wife said you don't have a light like that changes color and dims and brightins with T5s in it how do you get that light I never seen that before also I didn't see the contollers how did that work with humidity thats awsome was the tank without was amazing..the lights dimmed with like a digital timer like could set it however you even had settings for the different moon phases, sun brightness of the was something..I talked to one of the reps for quite sometime..he was from Canada..I guess it was something like "canreef" I have an info pack on it...he did say they were way exspensive...but can you imagine?...setting your lights by the moon phases and such...I was really impressed with that show..the first one I ever was to...Since it was in Pittsburgh and all...only a couple hours from me..what did you think of that raffle?...that 178 gal must have been worth close to 10,000$ with all that live rock, livestock and equipment up and running...jeeeze! and that 200 gal zero edge!! another tank worth thousands. I won an ice cap ballast for t5's at that vortec/euroreef/ice cap's valued at 178 in the catalogs...they gave away ALOT of stuff! I can't use the icecap ballast..but I can sure sell it.


Originally Posted by bs21
Wow i am pissed plans changed and i couldn't go to MACNA! These tanks are sweet but expensive. The sumps they make are coo also.
you missed a good one is in Atlanta!


they are awesome, but couldn't you just make one out of acrylic pretty easily? have a gutter system/tray built around the bottom of it to act as the overflow, have the return plumbed through the bottom center covered with rock and a check valve... seems easy enough to me at least. idk, but either way, they are hella cool.


Ok, call me stupid, but I don't see what's great about this. Sure it looks cool, but don't you have to look through the water on the sides? I would think it would distort the image, sort of like looking at the bottom of a swimming pool but to a lesser degree.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rldavisou
Ok, call me stupid, but I don't see what's great about this. Sure it looks cool, but don't you have to look through the water on the sides? I would think it would distort the image, sort of like looking at the bottom of a swimming pool but to a lesser degree.
Actually, i'ts crystal clear.
Fun part is you can look down into the tank and it's also pretty clear as there is very little ripple in the water, mirror smooth surface


Originally Posted by mmm33732
they are awesome, but couldn't you just make one out of acrylic pretty easily? have a gutter system/tray built around the bottom of it to act as the overflow, have the return plumbed through the bottom center covered with rock and a check valve... seems easy enough to me at least. idk, but either way, they are hella cool.
.yep..that pretty much sums it up..sounds easy'd just have to make sure your pump out and in are equal....they are exspensive....I am sure there is a way to make your're right tho'...way cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Sounds like a sexy frag tank...
its the coolest tank for corals period the viewing from the outside is crystal clear and your top downs are also crystal clear and there isn't any edges on the sides which is a big plus too


Active Member
I think they are really cool
Would have loved to see the 200 in person! They always have cool tanks at MACNA.
I would be worred about fish getting sucked over though


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I think they are really cool
Would have loved to see the 200 in person! They always have cool tanks at MACNA.
I would be worred about fish getting sucked over though

stupid me brings my digi cam everywhere except here
I would have loved to show you was very awsome in person pictures wouldn't do it justice anyhow the fish going overboard frightin me too but they might make it to the sump in this tank


fish getting sucked over may just have one wicked ride down to the sump which is probably huge anyways. IDK that would suck though if a fish went down there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
fish getting sucked over may just have one wicked ride down to the sump which is probably huge anyways. IDK that would suck though if a fish went down there.
I agree but if a fish is going to jump there isn't to much you can do if you run a open tank anyways


Active Member
The only reason I could imagine a fish would jump out of a tank that nice is if it was thinking:
"I gotta see just what the hell everyone is making such a big fuss about..."


I don't see a problem with fish getting sucked over...there is a constant overflow but it doesn't seem very forceful...and I can honestly say the fish were no where near the top edge of the tank...they stayed under and around the rocks...not near the edge at for fish jumping out...I asked that question and they told me most of the time when a fish jumps it is at the edge along the glass...they go straight up the glass and jump...there is 2-3 inch rim that is clear around the tank flush with the top that keeps the flow so calm and supposedly the fish in the WAS beautiful!


Active Member
Just got back from the trade show and what a bummer, the moving company dropped the tank the guys were going to use as the display, cracked the side and the tank became rather worthless as a tank like this has to be filled with water and running in order to have an impact. The guys were just sitting in their booth, hands crossed and really bored, on 2 more days of sitting there with a broken tank... Said that there were lots of changes taking place, they are finally getting rid of the black plexi stand (looks dated) and will be offering wood stands. The tanks come in anysize you want.