zoas not opening up


on sunday i bought around 25+ zoas i took them home floated them in the bag for around 45 minutes then i put them in the tank after about 30 minutes most of the zoas had opend up then after about 2 hours the lights went off and all of the zoos closed on monday when i got up the zoos were still closed and the have reamind closed ever since does any one know how to get them to open up? and i well get the parameters soon

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yes, please post water parameters. Where are they in your tank? How much flow? What lighting do you have? Did you check for zoa-eating nudis and sundial snails?


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Yes, please post water parameters. Where are they in your tank? How much flow? What lighting do you have? Did you check for zoa-eating nudis and sundial snails?
i have metal halides the zoas are just above the middle of the tank and i cant find any zoa eating things in the tank


Active Member
What kind of lights were they under at the store? You may consider lowering them to the sand right in front of the glass so you can get a good look. It's possible they aren't used to your MH's.
What kind of flow are they in?


Originally Posted by earlybird
What kind of lights were they under at the store? You may consider lowering them to the sand right in front of the glass so you can get a good look. It's possible they aren't used to your MH's.
What kind of flow are they in?

im not sure what kind of lights they were under at the store there is around a about a little less than a medium flow


i moved the zoas to the sand bed none of them have opened yet but it has only been about 5 minutes


Originally Posted by Mace
It may take them a while to open up.. Give it a day.

do you mean it might take a while to get used to the sand bed


Active Member
No it's the lights really. Zoas are pretty hardy. They will do fine on the sand under MH's but most place them on their rocks so they will spread.


Active Member
relax and give them some time. i traded with someone once, and it took 3 weeks for them to open.


Well-Known Member
They won't starve for a few weeks. Just give them time to open.
Also, something that no one has mentioned yet... the phosphate of .25 is pretty high, you might be in the future experiencing cyanobacteria, as well as some hair algae and other problems that aren't as pretty either. Get your phosphate levels down!


I am experiencing similar issues with mine. I am currently in the process of upgrading my lighting but, for future referrence, what is a good method of lowering phosphates?


I use a phosphate remover... it is a white substance... I forget the name but your local fish store should know what you are talking about.....


Originally Posted by Isistius
relax and give them some time. i traded with someone once, and it took 3 weeks for them to open.
yeah but im just kinda worrid since they opend so quckly the first day


Active Member
don't be too worried. you've only had them 4 days. they are much hardier then you think. give them time.