Your sick polyps do look like they are getting some red of them. I lost a bunch of zoas this summer,it started on one or two polyps on a few colonies,within a few weeks I had lost hundreds of polyps on all my zoas,pretty much wiped them all out. It looks like cyano but will not suck off at all,it encrusts the polyp and must be peeled off. I couldnt find anything similar to it on any forum. I tried freshwater and iodine dips,furan nothing helped and it continued to plunder. At this point every zoa in my tank was dead or closed,maybe 20 different varieties,no other corals were affected. As a last resort I used chemi-clean. I used about 75% of the recommended dosage. they advise you treat for 48 hours then do a big WC and turn skimmer back on. I went with 36 hours,changed 20% then 10% the next day and used a bunch of poly filters changed every day for several days.All the red was gone in the first 24 hours,within a few days some of my zoas that had been closed for at least 6 weeks started to open and they were all open in a couple of weeks. I lost a ton of zoas,some real nice colonies gone. There is a big thread going now about this stuff in the zoa section of another forum,they are calling it 'sticky'cyano.