Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
Yep like the title says. I am throwin down the gauntlet for a challange,
Heres my deal for Two takers. My discretion for choosing Two opponants.
No offense to any newbies or old schoolers a like but I hear so many aksing about growth rates on Zooanthids and I want to start a chart of some actual numbers for about a 3 month study.
- I will provide the frags of three different zoos all pulled from their same respective mother colonies. Ill mail them at expense of the challangers to the 2 other participants. Bout 20 bucks for shipping. Free frags for the race but your paying shipping.
-Participants must be proficient in picture taking and have an established tank.
-Fragging Participants should be proficient in cutting and glueing frags as so when we officially kick it off we can each glue a set numbers of heads to a completly new frag or plug and have everything as even as possible for the control data. Taking the heads from the frags I provide about a week after they recieve them and we agree on starting counts and so on.
-Lighting doesnt matter but It would be good to have one of each.
Metal Halide only - Compact flouresent only - and T5 only
-Frequesnt this site so they can give at least weekly updates with pictures and head counts.
All this is on the honor system for participation and counting growth. I dont know how fair it will be since each person will have different lighting but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. This should put some data out there for all those that keep asking.
Might have 2 from each class of lighting participate? I am open to suggestions from the Gallery on how they want to see it go down. :thinking:
Whos up for it? Respond in this thread if you meet the criteria for the race and feel up to being in contention for selection.
Please include your lighting and tank size and age.


Active Member
If I had the money for shipping I would so In on this. original sand and rock 6+ years,the glass shell for this tank in this incarnation 5 months (wow I almost said two months oh how the time flies.) PC 75g 30g sump/fuge.
If I have a colony of one of the types your using would you be interested in me participating? I have a bunch of common types. adn I am pretty sure I know how to frag them.......


what type of zoos would we be looking at getting? color?
i have a 65 gallon, up for 1 year now, with t5 lighting. ive been succesfully keeping all types of coral. and actually have been fraggin all my own lately.
just started my own coral trading site as well anyways msg me back im considering.


I would consider it, but I just got my first colony of zoos this week, and the eibli angel in my tank that has left everything else alone has a taste for them. Decision time, ditch the angel or don't keep zoos.


Active Member
75 gallon set up for 3 years, 2-130 pc's 2-150 hqi jbarbier at jdbyrider dot com its a mixed reef, already have many zoos, I have experienced some great growth in my tanks from all genra of coral... especially my sps


id be interested in the growth test. I have a 55 gal with 290watts of PC. I have one mother colony of Zoo's, and 8 other frags, A mother colony of 16 Blue shrooms and a frag or 3 Red Shrooms. Most of my zoo frags are getting two / three new polyps a month and the mother colony is doing great with new ones adding but hard to count having over 100 on the LR. I also am a professional photographer and post regularly here.
some photos posted here of my tank and corals. http://www.pasphotography.com/portfolio/animals.html


Active Member
75gallon 2 x 175w with 2 110w VHO actinics(able to turn off if wanting only MH) been up for around 1.5yrs...frag and mess with zoos all the time ***)
bronco300 @ gmail.com


Active Member
Well you definitely have some contenders here ReefForBrains...but here is my submission:
135 gallon, 3x 250w MH burning 20K radiums (1 month old bulbs), running 12 hours a day. Have fragged zoos and a couple of other things, although I don't do it all the time. Tank has been up and actually running 3 - 4 months (which is where everyone has me beat...LOL...)
This is going to be a fun thread....Pick me, Pick me...ha ha ha ha.....


Active Member
zoas usually grow pretty quickly in my tank (actually everything does).
30 gallon, 250w MH 14k phoenix bulbs. i post pictures all the time so no problem there, and im willing to pay the shipping. tanks been up little over a year and i use natural sea water for water changes. 19 years old.


Do they have to go in a reef system, or can you put them in a coral-only grow-out tank? You've got to make this a fair race. What are you allowed to feed them, if anything?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Yep like the title says. I am throwin down the gauntlet for a challange,
Heres my deal for Two takers. My discretion for choosing Two opponants.
No offense to any newbies or old schoolers a like but I hear so many aksing about growth rates on Zooanthids and I want to start a chart of some actual numbers for about a 3 month study.
- I will provide the frags of three different zoos all pulled from their same respective mother colonies. Ill mail them at expense of the challangers to the 2 other participants. Bout 20 bucks for shipping. Free frags for the race but your paying shipping.
-Participants must be proficient in picture taking and have an established tank.
-Fragging Participants should be proficient in cutting and glueing frags as so when we officially kick it off we can each glue a set numbers of heads to a completly new frag or plug and have everything as even as possible for the control data. Taking the heads from the frags I provide about a week after they recieve them and we agree on starting counts and so on.
-Lighting doesnt matter but It would be good to have one of each.
Metal Halide only - Compact flouresent only - and T5 only
-Frequesnt this site so they can give at least weekly updates with pictures and head counts.
All this is on the honor system for participation and counting growth. I dont know how fair it will be since each person will have different lighting but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. This should put some data out there for all those that keep asking.
Might have 2 from each class of lighting participate? I am open to suggestions from the Gallery on how they want to see it go down. :thinking:
Whos up for it? Respond in this thread if you meet the criteria for the race and feel up to being in contention for selection.
Please include your lighting and tank size and age.
If you haven't picked yet. I can offer the following light set ups on different tanks:
Straight MH 2 X 175 100G Frag 2 months
MH 175 HQI 24G Nano 6 months
195W PC on 29G ~2 yrs
175 HQI and 260 PC 54G ~1.5 yrs
250 MH and 350 VHO 92G ~2 yrs


Active Member
Well crap, I didnt think there would be so much interest. Please give me a day or two to figure it out. Seems most everyone is well prepared to participate.
Wasnt anticipating it.
I was expecting the thread to be littered with people just wanting to take the frags and run.....
Ill pull the names and let everyone know in the next day or so.


Active Member
how are you going to do this, if people have diff ph/salinity/levels it will play a factor dont ya think?


Active Member
if its a running race, not everybody is gunna have the same size legs or the same brand of shoes on. obviously theres gunna be some differences. i think its up to the person who accepts the challenge to get those paramaters to where the zoas will grow fastest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
if its a running race, not everybody is gunna have the same size legs or the same brand of shoes on. obviously theres gunna be some differences. i think its up to the person who accepts the challenge to get those paramaters to where the zoas will grow fastest.

I agree. Stability will most likley beat all other factors. This isnt very scientific but it should be fun.
Winning prize is Mad Props, thats about it, so I dont think it really matters except for bragging rights. Everyone gets the zoos so I dont think it really matters about lighting being "fair", it will be fun to sorta mythbust in a way about the different delivery methods for low light things such as zoos.
I also think I will switch from my position in my little reef to my little nano with the swirly bulb. This lets in an extra participent and also doesnt compromise or give me the home field since I would still have to acclimate like everyone else when I put into the nano
1- solid MH
1- Solid T5
1- Solid PC
1- Walmart Swirly (tecnically I think it would be considered PC but you know what I mean)
Ill draw from the names later this evening.