Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
i'm just waiting for some real results

I thought we were posting once a week............the others seem to be weak!


Sorry for the delays... as if everyone else has been slackin too!!!!
Heres my update.
Zoa's ... all fell off!!!!! Lack of gluing on my part. Plus vaca to Fl. didnt help in adding new heads.
Cloves... Amazing results compared to everyone else!!!!!
Heres my cloves growth photos.

I count 12 new heads one you can not see in the photo but 11 are labeled in RED.
Just so you all can see the original cloves colony and its growth since I did nothing but jam them into the frag grate til I found a home and they still grew like a mad scientist....

Sorry for the poor photos but I was in a hurry being a Friday night and was in a hurry to get out and enjoy life for a chance.


I can post a zoomed in photo for those of you hecklers... that are losing in the clove department to verify my results!!!! thought Id add this since I knew someone might chime in givin me grief on the count and the zoa loss.
First time clove fragger, long time listener!!! sound familiar ?(bob and tom show alteration). haha
Wish my Zoas were intact after vacation.... you guys would be TOAST!


not poor phots those are awesome.how long have you hade the cloves for?awesome growth.They arent just growing their thriving :D


I actually was the LAST to receive my frags of the Cloves TOO.....
I fragged them under a month ago. 6-18-07 actually accordding to the post here was the frag date (had to look back in the thread to tell). I am suprised myself and plan to frag the rest on a couple rocks to see how well I can get them to spread.
I have other Zoa's frags that have gained a couple of heads while on vaca too. I only have an older 48" Odyessa PC light with new (4) 55w. bulbs (220 watt total), and (2) 15w. standard flour. actinics (30 watt total) on my tank.


Active Member
i don't mean to hi jack this thread but for years i don't have no luck with polyps.. i though i have sundial snail on my tank thats why i can't grow polyps because its eating it but i notice after i move whats left on my buttons the polyps open up a bit but it won't open close to the light i think my light is too intense for it thats why it slowly died ? can too much light kill a polyps


Active Member
very possible. but if you do have a sundial get it out!!!! asap. i lost an entire colony of awesome zoas to one. i was really bummed about it too.


Active Member
skipped last week since everyone else did :p but here's a pic. maybe we should post every 2 weeks or something. I still haven't seen rfb's pics.
the blues are starting to grow 2 polyps, the oranges staying fast at 3, and the clove have started growing nicely.


Active Member
well my galaxia has finished its decimation of everything on my race rock, and stretching out larger! in 2 years it has never acted this way and i am not sure why it has gone postal all of a sudden. anyway i guess this is my official retraction cause i have nothing except the original mother colonies sent to me to take photos of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
well my galaxia has finished its decimation of everything on my race rock, and stretching out larger! in 2 years it has never acted this way and i am not sure why it has gone postal all of a sudden. anyway i guess this is my official retraction cause i have nothing except the original mother colonies sent to me to take photos of.

so.... frag the mother colonies :)
although, it seems not many people have interest anymore in this thread. was a great idea, but i guess everyone was just afraid of how well i'd grow the corals and just gave up...


Active Member
hehe, i could do that. the blues that lasted up until last night had a full 4th head too...
my cloves are growing all over my rock and the other colonies look good as well. maybe i will refrag this weekend


im pretty much outta gas also. the three polyps that i started out with fell off the rock :-/. guess the crazy glue was not good enough... i recently reattached them, but im sure that will hinder their growing state.


Active Member
i tried to remove the empty rock last night, and it was a little stuck. i was figuring that was where the cloves grew onto the big rock, so just some left over flesh... i pull it off and find 5-6 clove heads growing on the big rock hiding from the galaxia onslaught! ill take a pic of that


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
so.... frag the mother colonies :)
although, it seems not many people have interest anymore in this thread. was a great idea, but i guess everyone was just afraid of how well i'd grow the corals and just gave up...
So I assume I am declare the Zoanthid Growth winner? Mine are attached and growing! Oh the fame and lack of fortune!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
nah, if anyone is i am the winner. what's my prize?
Then we grow on! I have not yet begun to grow!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Then we grow on! I have not yet begun to grow!
the gauntlet is down! /smack
i am though really disappointed with the (lack of) participation. maybe it's just caues it is summertime?