Zooplankton for leathers.


I have some zooplankton coming in tomorrow from an order and I was just wondering what would be the best way to feed my leathers and how much would be accepted by them? Also what would be the best way to make sure they all get some? Should I turn off anything while I feed them? Thanks for your help.

bang guy

Add a tiny amount to the water. Come back about 15 minutes later and feed the full amount.
Without numbers I have no idea what would be the appropriate amount of food.


45 gallon tank, all the leathers are about 4 inches close to 5. No fish at the moment and I have about 5 mushrooms. 22x's the turnover. Just wondering how much to feed becuase my colt hasnt really polyped up at all and I was thinking that if I fed them tomorrow he would open up alittle. Just got them Thursday and he other one seem to be doing well except for the colt. Thanks


Originally Posted by teamsleep
45 gallon tank, all the leathers are about 4 inches close to 5. No fish at the moment and I have about 5 mushrooms. 22x's the turnover. Just wondering how much to feed becuase my colt hasnt really polyped up at all and I was thinking that if I fed them tomorrow he would open up alittle. Just got them Thursday and he other one seem to be doing well except for the colt. Thanks
May I ask what type of lighting you have over them? This can play a big role in them not opening up. I feed my finger leather, brown toad, and yellow fiji about a tablespoon every other day. They are also under 2x250w 14k MH in my 90 they are living what seems to me very happy. I used to have 260w PC over them and they would rarly polyp.


I have 192w of PC. Its a coralife 10,00K 96w and then Actinic 96w and all the other ones are doing great. The toadstool I have the poyps are about a centimeter off the mushroom itself on both heads and everything else seems to have thier polyps out for most of the day besides th colt. Thats why I wanted to get the plankton for them so if the lights arent up to par they will get some nutrients from the food. Do you have any pictures of yours, I dont have a camera or else I would post them and give you guys an example first hand.


How did your tank turn out with the stand and evrything, transfering it all over? Finished product picture? ***)


Sure as soon as putfile.com comes back online. I'm not at home but have a lot of tank pictures saved there.


Did you lose anything when transfering the tank? Any input you can give me on your leather would be greatly appreciatted considering I dotn knwo to much about them as of yet but have been doing alot of research. Its always good to get as many views as you can.


Originally Posted by teamsleep
Did you lose anything when transfering the tank? Any input you can give me on your leather would be greatly appreciatted considering I dotn knwo to much about them as of yet but have been doing alot of research. Its always good to get as many views as you can.
Sorry was a post behind you. I haven't transfered anything over yet still stuck out of town, but I'm sure everything should be ok I plan on using the same water and such so there shouldn't be to much of a shock to them.


I didnt read your last post correctlly. That must suck pretty bad having to wait that long to do something you knew couldve been done by now and you could be sitting there watchign it. LOL The next few days are going to seem pretty long for you.


Heh, I'm kind of used to that feeling now. I work a 14 day offshore 14 days off at home schedule, but I have my trusty wife at home to look after my shrine while I'm off at work.