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  1. v-lioness

    lion wont eat

    Your lion needed a variety of foods including vitamins........... It may be really tough to get this lion eating again, it can go weeks with No Food, keep trying to feed it, it may eat or it may never eat again, Time Will Tell. Keep trying to feed it, try and try again, don't give up just...
  2. v-lioness

    fuzzy dwarf

    I Understand.......... The problem with this lion may be shipping, even though it looked healthy and ate......... When purchasing a lion have the LFS hold it for 7 - 10 days before bringing it home. You will find it can be easier to wean in a small tank at the LFS during this time. Please don't...
  3. v-lioness

    fuzzy dwarf

    How long did the LFS have this lion before bringing it home? Kaye
  4. v-lioness

    Wierd Lion Hippo tang "huggin" this normal?

    SO is my lion just a friendly warm guy that makes the other fish drewl over him? Yes, your lion is a friendly warm guy Lions are really not aggressive but they are predators. I have a cowfish that hangs out in the lions fins during the day, even swims next to them. There is nothing wrong...
  5. v-lioness

    125 what fish would you add

    Go with the tang, the large angels are known to pick at lions......... Kaye
  6. v-lioness

    Damaged Lion Eye

    Could the cloudy eye have been a first sign? Yes, could be, your lion may also shed (whitish milky stringy skin floating around your tank). Try the 29g qt tank, try to avoid treating the main tank, I personally have not used lifeguard for Ich but have used it for a variety of different things...
  7. v-lioness

    Damaged Lion Eye

    Post a picture, it sounds bacterial, I would treat with kanamycin or Lifeguard, I have used both and both have worked great with lions. Kaye
  8. v-lioness

    RIP a Moment of Silence

    Sorry to hear about your cow very cool fish. Kaye
  9. v-lioness

    My new Stone Fish

    Wow nice... tell us more, what size tank? what are you feeding? and Do you know what kind it is? Kaye
  10. v-lioness

    I believe now , triggers are trouble

    How long have you ad this trigger & What size is this trigger? My Pinktail is now in question, I know of one death but may be responsible for more, I have had mine for years and it is mature, mine is 10-12 inches. My tank is 300g. Kaye
  11. v-lioness

    Help me choose a lion fish!

    The only lion I would put in there is a volitans or lunula, as they are not shy or slow to feed and can hold their own against all but the most satanic of humas. They simply can not hold their own, and would not have a chance with that trigger. Just not a good combo. Kaye
  12. v-lioness

    cowfish spitting water

    This is normal behavior with these fish, what concerns me is " i hand feed at least once a day", this really is not enough for this fish. You should feed your cow 2 - 3 times per day and include greens in the diet daily, simply hang nori sheets in the tank for your cow to pick at. So feed a...
  13. v-lioness

    Green filefish

    Mine makes a chirping noise when hes nibling Just to add, Filefish are related to triggers, which also make noise when eating. Kaye
  14. v-lioness

    Green filefish

    Super cool filefish you have, love it, kept one for a few years, gave it away and the other person still has it, these are pretty hardy little files that are great Aiptasia eaters if you have any. They require a variety of meaty food along with greens to pick at, Good Luck and it may just end up...
  15. v-lioness

    cool pics of my boys

    What did you use on the back of your tank, mirror/reflector? Kaye
  16. v-lioness

    pics of my tank

    Matt I do like your fish choices, but I am going to offer some constructive criticism Here is what I see ........... The tank is way to small, honestly you should have waited. The lion will quickly out grow this tank. I think you will have a tough time keeping up with your water quality...
  17. v-lioness

    thinking about a lionfish....

    Thank you FMarini for clearing this up, "Lionfish venom is very different than bee or wasp venom. The pain is similar, only because your bodys reaction to either is similar. Lionfish venom is a composed of mainly acetylcholine and a few dozen proteins, its role is too overwhelm the closest...
  18. v-lioness

    Growth rate of Picasso Trigger?

    If you really plan on setting up a larger tank than wait on the trigger, and if you plan on being a trigger keeper than go a min. 120g tank. These are fast swimmers, so it is not just the growth rate of this trigger in a 30g tank it is the stress, and that my friend will probably kill it first...
  19. v-lioness

    Can someone look at my Lion?

    That looks like a Pterois Mombasae to me They do not ship to well, and require pristine water so....... How long did the LFS have it before you took home? Look at the eyes, this will tell you quite a bit about your lion, are the eyes cloudy or clear? *If you see the discoloration (fading...
  20. v-lioness

    help think bluetang eating coral

    This is not as uncommon as you may think, I have seen and heard of this many times over the past years, once that tang gets a taste for coral it needs to be removed, it will not stop, no matter how much you feed. Good Luck, Kaye