AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss#post_3377583
Sorry Jerry for butting in...... You guys discussed trying different water source?? Jerry has lived at 2 different houses, the first was on public water source and now on well water. Jerry what RO/DI unit are you running? I thought I saw a Kent tag yesterday on it? Kent sells different units with different style/type membranes. 1 is for well water sources and the other for chlorinated water. How old is the membrane as well?
Thanks for pointing out the two different house for me. Yes it's a Kent system which I'm thinking about change out to a BRS system. Sentiment Filter is about 3 months old rest of it is about 8 months.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss#post_3377577
I'm leaning away from the heavy metals since youve run the polyfilter and are running carbon in the sytem...pluss you said that you have never been able to keep corals in 6 years?
I honestly would try a controled test at this point with a different water source. At least that way you can be more certain if it's a water quality issue or not. I'm not sure where to get or how and what you would really test for as far as other types of contamination. If you find you are able to keep coral alive in the controled tank for a little while then I''d maybe throw in some rock out of your display and monitor that for a while and see if any changes occure from that point. Testing for stray current in both tanks couldn't hurt I suppose.
What are we thinking is wrong with the LR? Simply because there was rust in the tank? LR is nice a purple and I pick up most of them every week and shake out detruis or use power heads to blow them out.


Active Member
LR is like a sponge. it will soak up bad things if its introduced into the tank which is why tanks that had LR and were medicated cannot be used in reef systems


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shabbajh http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss/20#post_3377596
What are we thinking is wrong with the LR? Simply because there was rust in the tank? LR is nice a purple and I pick up most of them every week and shake out detruis or use power heads to blow them out.
Well I was thinking that if you could illiminate the water source and containers using your quarantine tank and a different water container then maybe the rock is contamenated. You said it's new sand, so who knows, maybe the rock was contaminated by mercury or something/anything before you even had it. I doubt it but I'm just pulling things out of thin air right now because it sounds as though you're doing everything else right.


Well-Known Member
I thought so but i wasnt gonna say for sure....LFS wouldnt sell me some of their LR cuz it was their hospital tank. They were pretty much out and i was very new to the hobby...sry sidetracking lol
So it could vary well be something in ur rock
LR is like a sponge. it will soak up bad things if its introduced into the tank which is why tanks that had LR and were medicated cannot be used in reef systems


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss/20#post_3377605
Well I was thinking that if you could illiminate the water source and containers using your quarantine tank and a different water container then maybe the rock is contamenated. You said it's new sand, so who knows, maybe the rock was contaminated by mercury or something/anything before you even had it. I doubt it but I'm just pulling things out of thin air right now because it sounds as though you're doing everything else right.
I agree with all of you who suggested using my QT tank and that's what I'm planning on doing. I agree also with the comment that it sounds like I'm doing everything right which is why I'm pulling my hair so to speak. Whatever I'm doing wrong the fish I current have aren't showing any signs of a problem in the last 6 months.


I also wanted to make a comment about the LR. 30lb was from my previous tank which I've had success with, and the rest came from a dealer on ebay with good reviews. The rock looked great when I received it.


Active Member

Thanks for pointing out the two different house for me. Yes it's a Kent system which I'm thinking about change out to a BRS system. Sentiment Filter is about 3 months old rest of it is about 8 months.
Honestly Jerry I don't think you'd be served any better with the BRS RO/DI unit. We talked briefly yesterday about a new unit. When it comes down to it units are somewhat the same. There are a few differences though. The higher GPD you go, you'll see your rejection rate suffer, so as far as efficient not great IMHO. Only a few manufacturers of membranes out there as well. You could easily upgrade your Kent unit to a 75 gps unit, just with changing the membrane and flow restrictor. If you'd want to run extra sediment or carbon filters, or mixed resins an easy add on.


Active Member
do you know where your source of ammonia is coming from?
this thought might be farfetched but there may be something that is using up the oxygen in your tank at too rapid of a rate


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss/20#post_3377615
Jerry did you buy any rock from Chris?
The first 30lb came from that pet place. The rest came from Ebay. I have about 150lb if I remember correctly. I have a 40 Gallon tank that I'm going to setup tomorrow. I will let it run without live rock sand or anything for a few weeks. Then put in a coral frag. Maybe over a few months I will rotate my live rock through the system and see if I see any effect on the coral frag. Honestly LR would have been the last thing I would've thought of. Plus it's so darn pricey if I have to replace it all.


Originally Posted by nikeSB http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss/20#post_3377620
do you know where your source of ammonia is coming from?
this thought might be farfetched but there may be something that is using up the oxygen in your tank at too rapid of a rate
At this point I'm not sure what is up with the Ammonia because I retested it today and I have 0. I only have 5 fish so don't think that would hurt the oxygen and I have a very good skimmer, but I haven't tested the oxygen levels or know how to.


Active Member
Jerry down at Lancaster they do have oxygen test kits. Elos is the brand name. Very good kits. I thought I saw Salifert as well. Did you check the expression date on the test kits?


Active Member
what has stayed the same for the 6 years? Since its 2 different locations with 2 different waters, what has stayed the same for the 6 years?
I know of people with the rubbermaid issue and can link someone to a thread about it and in that thread, there are people with the skills and know how to help.


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/385231/at-a-loss/20#post_3377679
what has stayed the same for the 6 years? Since its 2 different locations with 2 different waters, what has stayed the same for the 6 years?
I know of people with the rubbermaid issue and can link someone to a thread about it and in that thread, there are people with the skills and know how to help.
Pretty much everything stayed the same. Of course I've had to change the filters in my RO unit since then. Only thing that has changed in the entire system is Bulbs for my VHO's and I bought new Metal Halide unit with in the last 6 months, and the sand when I broke the system down. Rock, Skimmer, Sump, Trash Can's, etc are the same.


It was hard to take a picture. It may be to far gone to look great again, but it seems like there is some improvement in the flesh of the coral now that it's in the QT tank with new water. Which makes me think it's not the water source but something "in" my tank. Sounds like you guys are leaning way from the rubber but the rock.