Natural Filtration Question


Originally Posted by Mr_X
but..the ocean doesn't do waterchanges. removing waste is the goal we are trying to accomplish.
i know more than a handfull of people who keep picos/nanos and don't have skimmers and they keep difficult corals successfully.
I am terribly sorry if you mis-understood me. I did not say that a tank cannot function without a skimmer. I was talking about natural filtration. That is what the OP asked about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am terribly sorry if you mis-understood me. I did not say that a tank cannot function without a skimmer. I was talking about natural filtration. That is what the OP asked about.

ahh..i was focusing on this-
"Doing water changes will not make up for lack of skimmer and mechanical filtration", which i felt the need to comment on.