New fish


Active Member
I went to the lfs today and they told me my tank was done cycling so they said i could get one fish then wait a week or so and get another, the question i have is i got a asassi trigger, what can i get with him for a clean up crew? still have alot of brown algea every where. also when can i put them in?


Active Member
Not sure about the clean up crew, but I have read that you need to wait 3 weeks between adding fish to a tank.


Slow it down a bit. How big is your tank? The trigger would probably anhiliate a clean up crew. Don't add any more fish for awhile. The LFS is trying to sell you stuff you know, and most of the time thwy don't care to much for the health of your tank.


Active Member
so is there anything i can put in there with him for clean up?i know not right now though i just mean in the future


Active Member
The only thing you may be able to get away with in a tank with an aggressive trigger are mexican turbo snails.
Also, as mentioned, slow down a little bit. Wait three weeks in between fish additions so that you give your tank a little bit of time to build up the biological bacteria.


Active Member
im not in any way plaining on buying anything soon just getting a idea also the guy at the lfs said this trigger would be ok to put other fish with he said they arent mean unless they are picked on is this true?


Active Member
Assassi triggers can definitely be an aggressive fish. Triggers do the picking on, not the other way around. I tell people that they are called a trigger not only because of their anatomy, but because they can be triggered to go off and be aggressive at any time.
What size tank is this?


Active Member
also could i get a cardnial pj with him? his is small right now i put him in my tank about 3 hours ago and now i cant find him any where dont know where he went hopefuly he will come out in day time


Active Member
You also. If you have any questions, please post them!
Also, remember to research all purchases before you buy them.