No more obamacare


Active Member they no longer have a 60 seat majority...its interesting that it was Ted Kennedy's seat that was lost.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
http:///forum/post/3213080 they no longer have a 60 seat majority...its interesting that it was Ted Kennedy's seat that was lost.
You mean the peoples seat.I think this is a shot across the bow of ALL politicians in America.
The message from the people is, "Can You Hear us Now?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
http:///forum/post/3213080 they no longer have a 60 seat majority...its interesting that it was Ted Kennedy's seat that was lost.
Ironic. I really thought the Democrats would pull this out until Romney called it for Brown this morning. Romney wouldn't have been dumb enough to do that unless he had pretty good information.
If the Democrats keep acting as they have it couldd be the Republicans with the veto proof majority this time next year.


Active Member
What's funnier still is that the Rebublocrats threw the presidential election because they knew their platforms were failures. Hand it over to the Demicans. We can blame them, and the Amerkin peeps will be none the wiser.
Capitalism's logical extreme is monopoly. The winner take all, one party system has its downside as we should have learned from Rome, Germany and Russia. Is that really what you want from guv'mint?


Active Member
Does this mean the CEO's of the insurance companies are not going to raise my insurance rates yet again? LOL The bill was a bloated monster and I'm glad it's gone, but I really wonder how anyone can think it is okay to let these insurance companies continue to do business like they do unregulated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
What's funnier still is that the Rebublocrats threw the presidential election because they knew their platforms were failures. Hand it over to the Demicans. We can blame them, and the Amerkin peeps will be none the wiser.
Capitalism's logical extreme is monopoly. The winner take all, one party system has its downside as we should have learned from Rome, Germany and Russia. Is that really what you want from guv'mint?
Obama is one and done, Republicans take the white house back in 2012 and in 2016 there is a viable 3rd party candidate in the mix. I think there isn't enough mo for a 3rd yet. I think we will take one more swing at the two party system and it will the last unless whoever the republican is really breaks the mold.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Does this mean the CEO's of the insurance companies are not going to raise my insurance rates yet again? LOL The bill was a bloated monster and I'm glad it's gone, but I really wonder how anyone can think it is okay to let these insurance companies continue to do business like they do unregulated.
A buddy of mine just had his rate jacked up from 330 to 440 a month. Crazy stuff.


Active Member
I think if the Republicans were smart, they would use this a spring board to pass some kind of health care reform. If you'll remember, as soon as it looked like the dems were going to push their version, the reps all came out with 'great' ideas on how reform should go and that they agreed something needed to be done. If the reps really want to gain back some seats, I think they had better do something with health care or be labeled corporate obstructionist tools....just my opinion anyway...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama is one and done, Republicans take the white house back in 2012 and in 2016 there is a viable 3rd party candidate in the mix. I think there isn't enough mo for a 3rd yet. I think we will take one more swing at the two party system and it will the last unless whoever the republican is really breaks the mold.
I can't wait for the oligopoly of political power to be taken down. We should eliminate federal funding, or distribute evenly across all political parties (isn't it like 30 something registered). Then something might get done correctly in this country, and maybe we wouldn't be so divided.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I can't wait for the oligopoly of political power to be taken down. We should eliminate federal funding, or distribute evenly across all political parties (isn't it like 30 something registered). Then something might get done correctly in this country, and maybe we wouldn't be so divided.
Unfortunately you end up using taxpayer money to support gadfly's and that is not a good thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I think if the Republicans were smart, they would use this a spring board to pass some
kind of health care reform. If you'll remember, as soon as it looked like the dems were going to push their version, the reps all came out with 'great' ideas on how reform should go and that they agreed something needed to be done. If the reps really want to gain back some seats, I think they had better do something with health care or be labeled corporate obstructionist tools....just my opinion anyway...
Big if
If I were running the show I would have had a plan ready to go and unveil tomorrow, would have been a devastating political move against the Democrats. Kick em while they are down


Active Member
That's the trouble with the "two" party (practically speaking only one party) system. They can pretend they're kicking each other when, in fact, they're both kicking us...


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
That's the trouble with the "two" party (practically speaking only one party) system. They can pretend they're kicking each other when, in fact, they're both kicking us...
No, they are kicking each other. The problem is we are stuck in between them


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
http:///forum/post/3213080 they no longer have a 60 seat majority...its interesting that it was Ted Kennedy's seat that was lost.
This is the party who saw nothing wrong with two black militants parading around a polling station hassling people. You think they'll let rules stand in their way...
Originally Posted by uneverno

Capitalism's logical extreme is monopoly.
Assuming quantifiable thing, you're close to right, the problem with your theoretical conclusion is that the only sure bet about human behavior is that there is no sure bet about human behavior. So you'll never realistically see it.


Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Does this mean the CEO's of the insurance companies are not going to raise my insurance rates yet again? LOL The bill was a bloated monster and I'm glad it's gone, but I really wonder how anyone can think it is okay to let these insurance companies continue to do business like they do unregulated.
Oh no, they WILL still raise the rates. They'll find a reason, oh yes, I'd bet my pinky toe on it.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
LOL The bill was a bloated monster and I'm glad it's gone,

The bill is NOT gone. The Reid bill already passed the senate. Meaning if the house democrats are willing to swallow their pride and just vote on the Reid bill as it was written in the senate....the bill will go through. If the house tries to add stuff or change the bill, then it will get stopped in the senate.


Active Member
Two words - term limits.
Someone should've replaced Kennedy decades ago. I could care less whether it was a Democrat or a Republican. That's what sad about this election. I doubt a majority of the people that voted for Brown even knew what his platform was, or what issues he was running on. All they were looking at was a Republican against a Democrat. The big question now will be when Brown hits the Senate, will he sit down and research and read all the bills that are currently being voted on, and make a decision on how to vote based on what is the best interest for his constituents, or will he just sit down and press the 'yea' or 'ney' button based on what his Republican bretheren tell him to do? If he does the latter, then he's no better than any of the other trolls that work in that city.
I flipped on Fox last night and I saw Hannity just beaming with pride about the Brown win. Then he gets into an argument with this guy about how Harry Reid made a statement that Brown would be allowed to enter the Senate and have his seat as soon as the proper paperwork was filed. Hannity was going off that Brown should be able to catch a flight from Logan today, and be in his seat this afternoon so he can put his 'ney' vote in on any of the current healthcare bills being voted on. If I'm not mistaken, isn't the procedure that the Attorney General, or someone from the state, has to file the proper paperwork that states all votes have been counted, and whoever was declared the winner, actually won, and that it takes 10 to 15 days for this to go through? If I recall, Hannity didn't have an issue with that guy from Illinois that got elected having to wait until the dawn of time to get certified. Of course, that was one of Obama's cronies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Two words - term limits.
Someone should've replaced Kennedy decades ago. I could care less whether it was a Democrat or a Republican. That's what sad about this election. I doubt a majority of the people that voted for Brown even knew what his platform was, or what issues he was running on. All they were looking at was a Republican against a Democrat. The big question now will be when Brown hits the Senate, will he sit down and research and read all the bills that are currently being voted on, and make a decision on how to vote based on what is the best interest for his constituents, or will he just sit down and press the 'yea' or 'ney' button based on what his Republican bretheren tell him to do? If he does the latter, then he's no better than any of the other trolls that work in that city.
I flipped on Fox last night and I saw Hannity just beaming with pride about the Brown win. Then he gets into an argument with this guy about how Harry Reid made a statement that Brown would be allowed to enter the Senate and have his seat as soon as the proper paperwork was filed. Hannity was going off that Brown should be able to catch a flight from Logan today, and be in his seat this afternoon so he can put his 'ney' vote in on any of the current healthcare bills being voted on. If I'm not mistaken, isn't the procedure that the Attorney General, or someone from the state, has to file the proper paperwork that states all votes have been counted, and whoever was declared the winner, actually won, and that it takes 10 to 15 days for this to go through? If I recall, Hannity didn't have an issue with that guy from Illinois that got elected having to wait until the dawn of time to get certified. Of course, that was one of Obama's cronies.

It's a sad state of affairs that in this country, the average voter seems to only be able to understand "republican or democrat." They are unwilling to research candidates, so instead it has to be reduced down to democrat or republican.
I agree on term limits 10000%. I'm also of the school of thought that state elections for congress should be spread throughout the year, to eliminate the problem where just after an election, everyone sits high on the hog because they think they are safe for a while.
In regards to your second paragraph... no self respecting conservative pays any attention to Hannity anyway. He's nothing but talking points and whining.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
It's a sad state of affairs that in this country, the average voter seems to only be able to understand "republican or democrat." They are unwilling to research candidates, so instead it has to be reduced down to democrat or republican.
I agree on term limits 10000%. I'm also of the school of thought that state elections for congress should be spread throughout the year, to eliminate the problem where just after an election, everyone sits high on the hog because they think they are safe for a while.
In regards to your second paragraph... no self respecting conservative pays any attention to Hannity anyway. He's nothing but talking points and whining.
We do have term limits; elections. But the "Ins' have got so much juice, they're almost impossible to unseat.
Re Hannity: I agree completely. I used to like this guy when he was new on the scene. He has become an arrogant, humorless, condescending, and totally predictable bore. As soon as he says "let me teach you something", I'm gone. I still agree with almost everything he says, but its the same cliche' filled drivel all the time. Replace him with Mark Stein, the English guy who subs for Rush (
)quite often.