obama the begger

darthtang aw

Active Member
True patriots will vote regardless of the odds.
I never stay home. I have voted third party as well even though I knew the third party didn't have any chance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/20#post_3494018
You are crazy. If the media had done it's job 4 years ago this buttflea wouldn't even had been the Democrat nominee. They are still covering for him with a few exceptions. We have a coverup over the Libyan attack and the media is taking a pass. Same deal with fast and furious. Remember the near nightly reports of the war death tolls when Bush was president? Did you know that better than 70% of the deaths in the Afghanistan war have occurred since 0bama's strategy was put in place? A couple weeks ago terrorists there blew up several Billion worth of jet fighters at one of our "secure" bases. You wont see that on the front page of the times or the lead in for the nightly news from New York. The same media that was so focused on us using harsh interrogation tactics on captured terrorists don't bat an eyelash at 0bama using a drone to blow suspected terrorist to hell as well as any innocents who are within 30 yards or so of them. They take the 0bama campaign's lead on such things as Romney doesn't pay his taxes or outsources jobs and never does bother to check to see if it's true, they just repeat it.
No, 0bama isn't done by a long shot. There are too many intellectually lazy people in this country willing to let themselves be fooled again.


Active Member
All you sensationalist, pessemist, fatalist, and doomsday planners could always find your own country where you feel safe and secure. Instead, you want to nominate an elitist that cares little for half the people in this country, wants to go back to trickle-down economics (which didn't work for 8 dreadful years), and thinks handing rich people even more money that they don't need will infuse the economy and increase jobs. We tried tax cuts with Bush. Obama extended them and it still did nothing. This isn't the 80's where owning a computer was considered a luxury. People make millions simply by posting an idea on the Internet, or singing a song on YouTube. You have some fat trailer trash that parades her fat kid around to beauty pageants while eating road kill for dinner, making 10 times more than someone flipping burgers at McDonald's. Nothing is "Made in the USA" any longer because every Fortune 500 corporation can have their products built in some Third World country where they pay the worker $2/day. Watch the show Shark Tank, where they bring entrepreneurs in showing their "products and inventions" to these "self-made millionaires/billionaires". Everytime one of them say they want to build their product here, the "Sharks" go, "Why? I have a contact in China that can build that for $2, when it'll cost you $10 to build it here." So even the successful businesses would rather build overseas than create new jobs here. More and more companies are outsourcing their ******** positions to cheap overseas labor. A buddy has been working as an Oracle DBA for Harland Clark (they make they majority of paper checks) for the last 8 years. His CIO walked in a month ago and said they were laying off the entire IT Dept., and the entire IT Operations were being moved to "The Cloud" and would be managed by some tech group in India. They gave him two months notice to find another job while he was training his replacements. You can blame Obama all you want about this dismal economy and unemployment rate. Neither he or Romney will have any control over it, no matter which one gets elected. Technology has taken over how businesses run and operate these days. You have apps sitting on your cell phone that can do the job of two or three people. Want to sell products with a credit card? Get a free card swiper to stick on your phone and Voila! no need to have a cashier or a cash register. Who needs a storefront when you can sell everything online. Sales force is a thing of the past. No one accepts cold calls any longer. If you're not advertising on the Internet you're behind the curve. You tell me how any President is going to turn these around when they have no means in which to control the outcome?


Active Member
You call others Pessimistic after posting that rant ROFLMAO!!!
You can't honestly be so totally clueless as to think Romney could get a tax cut for the rich through the Senate. Even if the Republicans took control they wont have 60 votes so that is an absurd assertion. Romney has the right idea on taxes. Cut the rates, eliminate some deductions and loopholes and make the system simpler. By doing that you increase efficiency AND reduce fraud. Romney wants to streamline regulations. Your liberal knee jerk reaction will be something like "sure, just pollute the planet" or "and let big banks screw us all". Well, if you truly do own your own business you know first hand what a tangled up mess a lot of regulations are. You don't have to cut standards just because you are making it easier to follow the rules. We have to make it easier to do business in this country for the reasons you listed above. We need to make it easier to compete. At the same time we have to stop doing stupid stuff with what money we do have and start eliminating non essential government spending. That isn't going to happen under 0bama.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494396
You call others Pessimistic after posting that rant ROFLMAO!!!
You can't honestly be so totally clueless as to think Romney could get a tax cut for the rich through the Senate. Even if the Republicans took control they wont have 60 votes so that is an absurd assertion. Romney has the right idea on taxes. Cut the rates, eliminate some deductions and loopholes and make the system simpler. By doing that you increase efficiency AND reduce fraud. Romney wants to streamline regulations. Your liberal knee jerk reaction will be something like "sure, just pollute the planet" or "and let big banks screw us all". Well, if you truly do own your own business you know first hand what a tangled up mess a lot of regulations are. You don't have to cut standards just because you are making it easier to follow the rules. We have to make it easier to do business in this country for the reasons you listed above. We need to make it easier to compete. At the same time we have to stop doing stupid stuff with what money we do have and start eliminating non essential government spending. That isn't going to happen under 0bama.
That's not pessmism, that's reality.
We didn't cut non-essentiial government spending under Bush, Carter, Clinton, or Reagan. Every administration since I've been born has spent money we didn't have. Why do you think the deficit has grown to what it is? What you're describing is what Bush tried, or claimed that's what he was doing. Didn't work. Romney uses all these magic buzz words about everything that Obama is doing wrong, but I have yet to see a clear, defined, structured plan that he will implement over the next 5 - 10 years to accomplish what you're stating. I've heard this same rhetoric in the last 5 Presidential elections. Banks screw us all? What do you think started this last Recesssion in the first place?
You don't get it. You don't have to have boots on the ground top compete in today's market. The Internet provides avenues for businesses to be successful without having to follow all the mundane rules. You can sell virtually any product you make to anyone in the world these days. I haven't bought anything electronic at a local store in over a decade. I bought my last three cars on the Internet from individuals off of EBay. Ninety percent of the items I need to run my business are purchased online. I don't know if they're bought from someone down the street, Brazil, Australia, or China.
You can't fix everything by simply whacking spending.


Active Member
The Democrats are forgetting 2 Things one is the Catholic Vote they are very Angry that they are going to be Forced to Pay for things they do not not want to in Contraception for all. Second people are Seeing how WEAK Obama is right now on every Internet site with how the Middle East is BLOWING UP and are Remembering Iran 1979 and the one thing NO ONE wants is some Terrorist Getting their Hands on a NUCLEAR WEAPON. Obama lied as to the Cause of what happened in Libya for Weeks and it has come out it was Al Queda attacking US ON 9/11 and KILLING our Ambassader to another Nation. Think about it less than a YEAR after we killed Osama Bin Laden they rebuilt and KILLED one of OUR Ambassodors to a Nation we freed LAST YEAR. Yet Obama and his Administration and the MSM is trying to say that on 9/11 the day Al Queda killed 3K Americans and people form 90 Nations that some Video that at the time only had 300 Hits was the Cause of the attack. Yeah Right and I have ocean Front Property in IL for sale.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494389
Sales force is a thing of the past. No one accepts cold calls any longer. If you're not advertising on the Internet you're behind the curve. You tell me how any President is going to turn these around when they have no means in which to control the outcome?
The company I work for, which does about 25 million a year in business, relies 100% on its sales force. We do not sell anything on the internet and make our money by having a dedicated LOCAL team of sales professionals who are very good at their jobs and know our industry inside and out. We also do all that while building our products right here in NY


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494399
That's not pessmism, that's reality.
We didn't cut non-essentiial government spending under Bush, Carter, Clinton, or Reagan. Every administration since I've been born has spent money we didn't have. Why do you think the deficit has grown to what it is? What you're describing is what Bush tried, or claimed that's what he was doing. Didn't work. Romney uses all these magic buzz words about everything that Obama is doing wrong, but I have yet to see a clear, defined, structured plan that he will implement over the next 5 - 10 years to accomplish what you're stating. I've heard this same rhetoric in the last 5 Presidential elections. Banks screw us all? What do you think started this last Recesssion in the first place?
You don't get it. You don't have to have boots on the ground top compete in today's market. The Internet provides avenues for businesses to be successful without having to follow all the mundane rules. You can sell virtually any product you make to anyone in the world these days. I haven't bought anything electronic at a local store in over a decade. I bought my last three cars on the Internet from individuals off of EBay. Ninety percent of the items I need to run my business are purchased online. I don't know if they're bought from someone down the street, Brazil, Australia, or China.
You can't fix everything by simply whacking spending.
It's the math stupid. We have to cut because our debt is becoming unmanageable.
Reagan tried to cut spending. He had a deal with O'Neil for a spending cut for tax increase and Reagan made the mistake of cutting taxes first. Ol tip crawfished and the cuts never happened.
What we know for positive is that what 0bama is trying isn't working. He;s forcing coal power plants to close down which costs jobs and increases utility rates which in turn makes it even harder for manufacturing businesses to compete. He's still issuing less drilling permits on federal lands than the last year of Bush. His EPA acts like tyrants and he has alienated the majority of business owners in this country. Not exactly fertile ground for economic growth.


Active Member
My 30+ year career in packaging and industrial foams has supported manufacturing companies. One of our largest customer is a laboratory chiller manufacturer specializing in cryogenic research (pharmaceutical labs).
For the first time ever, during a sales forecast meeting last month, I heard a customer expressing real fear over looming regulations and its impact on future sales. Until now, regulation has been viewed as just another cost of business.
Now it is a real threat to continued survival.
They are having difficulty with any forecast for next year. Their customers (labs and medical device manufacturers) have no idea how much impact continued unknown regulations and Obamacare taxes will have on them. The smaller ones, which combined make up 40% of total sales,
wonder if they will still be in business by end of next year.
This is one example, you can go down the line and all our customers have fears of one kind or another over increased regulation. It is already stifling, much more of this will be suffocating.
As Samuel L Jackson so eloquently said "Y'all better wake the F**K up!"
-of course, he meant it in a different way, but still....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494420
My 30+ year career in packaging and industrial foams has supported manufacturing companies. One of our largest customer is a laboratory chiller manufacturer specializing in cryogenic research (pharmaceutical labs).
For the first time ever, during a sales forecast meeting last month, I heard a customer expressing real fear over looming regulations and its impact on future sales. Until now, regulation has been viewed as just another cost of business.
Now it is a real threat to continued survival.
They are having difficulty with any forecast for next year. Their customers (labs and medical device manufacturers) have no idea how much impact continued unknown regulations and Obamacare taxes will have on them. The smaller ones, which combined make up 40% of total sales,
wonder if they will still be in business by end of next year.
This is one example, you can go down the line and all our customers have fears of one kind or another over increased regulation. It is already stifling, much more of this will be suffocating.
As Samuel L Jackson so eloquently said "Y'all better wake the F**K up!"
-of course, he meant it in a different way, but still....
The LSM is feeding those fears. No one has actually sat down and looked at the new rules to see how it directly affects them. They listen to these news pundits and their Sky Is falling storylines, and as the old saying goes,"Tell someone something enough times, and they'll believe that it's true." The laws are out there for everyone to read. People are just too lazy to look them up.
The last two years were a waste of time for the Obama Administration. When the Republicans won the House in 2010, that's where bi-partisan legislation ended. I've never seen such a division in all my years. Bonehead and Co. flat out stated that their entire mission in life was to make Obama a one-term President. If that meant screwing with the policies you complain about it, so be it. Tick the people off and blame it on the guy sitting in the Big Chair. Then you have this last year that was nothing more than one big election campaign. No legislation was going to go through because everyone in Congress wants to wait until after the election to see who'll be running the show for the next four years. The American people get hosed because of party politics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494418
It's the math stupid. We have to cut because our debt is becoming unmanageable.
Reagan tried to cut spending. He had a deal with O'Neil for a spending cut for tax increase and Reagan made the mistake of cutting taxes first. Ol tip crawfished and the cuts never happened.
What we know for positive is that what 0bama is trying isn't working. He;s forcing coal power plants to close down which costs jobs and increases utility rates which in turn makes it even harder for manufacturing businesses to compete. He's still issuing less drilling permits on federal lands than the last year of Bush. His EPA acts like tyrants and he has alienated the majority of business owners in this country. Not exactly fertile ground for economic growth.
Sure it's unmanageable. It's like one of the payday loans. You have several billion just on the interest on the deficit debt. What's 2% of $15 trillion (that's just a low-ball guesstimate of the interest we pay on that debt)? That's every year. For the hundreth time, to be able to manage this debt, you either increase taxes or cut spending where it's the most - SS, Medicare, Military. No one in Congress wants to fiddle with those programs. They want to whack spending on the other less meaningful programs to them, but affect more of the American population. Conservatives could care less because they think half the population is nothing but a bunch of lazy leaches that want to sit around and collect Welfare checks. They don't actually talk to these people and find out what led them to poverty. They let Fox News and YouTube do it for them. WHERE'S MY OBAMA BUCKS!
So you complain about losing jobs in an industry that has one of the highest mortality rates when it comes to their workers, yet you whine about Obama "investing" into GM and Chrysler, saving just as many manufacturing jobs.
Obama issuing less drilling permits? Try again. They've been issued, the oil companies simply don't want to use them. What about this Shale fracking boom all over the country? If Obama was so "anti-oil", while are those popping up virtually across the country?

darthtang aw

Active Member
.  You tell me how any President is going to turn these around when they have no means in which to control the outcome?
So you are saying no President can affect policy that will have effect on the Economy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494435
So you are saying no President can affect policy that will have effect on the Economy?
Not as long as you have a division in Congress. Used to be there was compromise and bi-partisanship. Reagan was an expert at it. The Republican Party is so disjointed, and you have this radical faction (i.e the Tea Party) within the ranks that don't have a clue how government or pure politics works. They claim they try compromising, yet the policies and laws they try presenting Obama are so far off from his ideologies and what he considers "compromise", that they never have a chance of getting passed. Ninety percent of the legislation offered by the House never gets past the Senate, so Obama doesn't even get the opportunity to sign or veto a bill written by either side. If Romney wins, and the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats, you'll see the exact same thing occur. With this new filibuster the Senate uses, even if the Republicans could manage to control both, the Democrats will simply do what the Republicans have accomplished in the Senate using this abusive power.


Active Member
Bionic I am going to put it in terms you MIGHT understand. 14 Years ago UNDER CLINTON the EPA deceided OWN THEIR OWN that OTR Trucks Produced to Much Pollution going down the Road and SUED the Makers for 100 BILLION DOLLARS and refused to Certify any NEW Engines for Sale in the USA starting with the 2001 Model Year. They had NO Proof of this happening Nothing like that They just Decided they wanted to do it. Here is what it cost the Makers to get the Suit Settled they had to Agree to New Standards that were ALREADY COMING DOWN THE PIPELING IN 1/2 the TIME NOW. The Stuff that should have been out in 2008 Now Came out in 04 the Stuff that was supposed to be in 2013 Now called 2008 its New Home and the Stuff that came out Last year that was Not due out til 2017 Orginally. What happens when you RUSH something into Production BEFORE you can Test it Properly can you say IT SCREWS THE POOCH BIG TIME.
Engines that used to get 7-8 MPG went to Barely Getting 5 some got 4. Reliablity Dropped like a ROCK engines used to last 1 Million Miles Before they needed to be Overhauled now companies Celebrate if they are getting 600K miles out of the SAME ENGINES. Then throw in a Differant Fuel needed that Costs more to Make ULSD it has only 15PPM of Sulpher instead of 50 or Less in LSD the old Standard but costs 80% more to REFINE. So what happens to Fuel Costs and Therefore Transportation Costs they JUMP. I asked a local Farmer that uses LSD what he pays a Gallon for Fuel he gets his for his Tractors for 1.23 a gallon Delivered Plus all taxes it would be 2 Bucks a Gallon for Highway useage. Diesel is Near 4.50 a Gallon Nationwide Average for ULSD Then throw in 4 Rewrites of the HOS plus all the Other Regulations that the OTR Industry has to Comply with and NO Wonder it costs 2-3 bucks a Mile to move ANYTHING in this nation. 12 Years ago you could haul for 1.25-150 and make a Decent Profit at that.
Yet you say Regulations are NOT A PROBLEM. 12 Years ago someone could survive on 1/2 of what they needed NOW in the Industry that hauls Everything you USE IN YOUR HOUSE and the Costs going up are all based on over REGULATIONS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/393048/obama-the-begger/40#post_3494431
Sure it's unmanageable. It's like one of the payday loans. You have several billion just on the interest on the deficit debt. What's 2% of $15 trillion (that's just a low-ball guesstimate of the interest we pay on that debt)? That's every year. For the hundreth time, to be able to manage this debt, you either increase taxes or cut spending where it's the most - SS, Medicare, Military. No one in Congress wants to fiddle with those programs. They want to whack spending on the other less meaningful programs to them, but affect more of the American population. Conservatives could care less because they think half the population is nothing but a bunch of lazy leaches that want to sit around and collect Welfare checks. They don't actually talk to these people and find out what led them to poverty. They let Fox News and YouTube do it for them. WHERE'S MY OBAMA BUCKS!
So you complain about losing jobs in an industry that has one of the highest mortality rates when it comes to their workers, yet you whine about Obama "investing" into GM and Chrysler, saving just as many manufacturing jobs.
Obama issuing less drilling permits? Try again. They've been issued, the oil companies simply don't want to use them. What about this Shale fracking boom all over the country? If Obama was so "anti-oil", while are those popping up virtually across the country?
Oh Lord help us, I gotta use math on a Democrat LOL!
Let's say you make 23K a year. Your cost of living is 36K a year so you've been living on the credit cards for a while. Your credit card debt is 140K. You add about 13K a year to that debt currently. How long is it going to take you to dig your way out of that hole? Before you can even start digging out you have a 13,000.00 deficit to make up for. That's 50% of your current income. You need to either cut your cost of living and get yourself a huge pay raise. Change thousands to Trillions and welcome to the Federal budget v2011
How many jobs has GM sent to china since we bailed them out? How many thousands lost their jobs when they closed all those dealerships? Yet we are out a minimum of 26 billion and rising. Oh, those mining job fatalities? Not even in the top 10 LOL! And that deaths per 100,000 workers so it's already weighted to account for number of people in a given occupation. http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/16/pf/2005_most_dangerous_jobs/index.htm
You notice your link doesn't claim 0bama is issuing as many permits as when he took office? And according to you Democrats it takes 10 years before any oil makes it to market once a project is approved so these increases are from permits issued by Bush. The real number is about 3 years but still. AND AND AND Most all the increase in production is taking place on private and state lands. As far as unused leases you do realize not all land has oil below it? Some of those leases have no oil or there simply isn't enough to make it worth taking a shot at it. A friend of mine's family sold land they had in oil rich Oklahoma. They held on to the mineral rights. They have leased out those rights to a company for the last 15 or so years yet not one well has been drilled on their land. The lease holder is paying a few grand a year waiting for someone else to take a chance on that formation rather than drop a million or so on an exploratory well. It's how the game is played.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Not as long as you have a division in Congress.  Used to be there was compromise and bi-partisanship.  Reagan was an expert at it.  The Republican Party is so disjointed, and you have this radical faction (i.e the Tea Party) within the ranks that don't have a clue how government or pure politics works.  They claim they try compromising, yet the policies and laws they try presenting Obama are so far off from his ideologies and what he considers "compromise", that they never have a chance of getting passed.  Ninety percent of  the legislation offered by the House never gets past the Senate, so Obama doesn't even get the opportunity to sign or veto a bill written by either side.  If Romney wins, and the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats, you'll see the exact same thing occur.  With this new filibuster the Senate uses, even if the Republicans could manage to control both, the Democrats will simply do what the Republicans have accomplished in the Senate using this abusive power.
What makes the Tea Party Radical?
15 Non-negotiable Core Beliefs
1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Not as long as you have a division in Congress.  Used to be there was compromise and bi-partisanship.  Reagan was an expert at it.  The Republican Party is so disjointed, and you have this radical faction (i.e the Tea Party) within the ranks that don't have a clue how government or pure politics works.  They claim they try compromising, yet the policies and laws they try presenting Obama are so far off from his ideologies and what he considers "compromise", that they never have a chance of getting passed.  Ninety percent of  the legislation offered by the House never gets past the Senate, so Obama doesn't even get the opportunity to sign or veto a bill written by either side.  If Romney wins, and the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats, you'll see the exact same thing occur.  With this new filibuster the Senate uses, even if the Republicans could manage to control both, the Democrats will simply do what the Republicans have accomplished in the Senate using this abusive power.
So you are saying it doesn't matter who is President?