My own newbie thread


Well-Known Member
They are tough fish. I had mine in QT for 2 1/2 months because of ick. After he was clean for about 6 weeks I moved him to my 125. Once in there he never showed signs of disease and ate well. Seemed great after a month. A month later he was dead. No idea why.


Active Member
yeah ill just keep a close eye for further signs I guess...and yeah my dad has been trying for some time now to get a long nose butterfly, the auriga butterfly and the pearlscale butterfly but one by one they die each time he tries...this is his last attempt I believe and then I think hes just gonna forget about trying butterflies...

I take it that's a "no" on just treating my whole system with a general anti parasitic med...I guess I didn't know if it mattered if it were just fish, inverts, liverock and sand?


Active Member
yeah ill just keep a close eye for further signs I guess...and yeah my dad has been trying for some time now to get a long nose butterfly, the auriga butterfly and the pearlscale butterfly but one by one they die each time he tries...this is his last attempt I believe and then I think hes just gonna forget about trying butterflies...

I take it that's a "no" on just treating my whole system with a general anti parasitic med...I guess I didn't know if it mattered if it were just fish, inverts, liverock and sand?

Most of the medicines we use to treat our fish have copper. Copper will kill the inverts. Plus you are risking any possible future coral and inverts, there could be residual copper left in the tank. In the rocks, sand, etc..


Active Member
well like I said about 2 months ago we tried the 3 butterflies and put them in a 55 gallon QT and they were all dead within 2 weeks...we had a few other fish as well in the QT and they all did fine...this time we tried the 3 butterflies again and we are down to just the auriga alive in 6 days from arrival...and again the other fish are doing fine...both times now that we have ordered I don't think we had a fair chance though cuz the first yellow long nose we had came with some red marks along his spine and then this time the longnose came with a bump on his side I guess u could say so idk if he spread disease or what but we haven't done well with butterflies...but our other fish seem to do ok in QT...we have a lot less luck with fish that we order online...maybe from the stressful trip they make idk...the fish we pick up ourselves from the local stores do just fine...this is the stuff I used last time to treat one of our fish whos fins were very cloudy and looked like dandruff and he turned out just fine in a couple weeks...
but I agree im not just gonna randomly treat the tank as a whole...thanks for your help everyone...


Active Member
Is it possible we r getting an ammonia spike by adding 6 new fish into a QT? I just can't figure it out :~\


Well-Known Member
You can buy an ammonia badge for around $10 that hangs in the tank. It will alert you if it goes up. I think it is made by Seachem.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered the same. I do know they need to be fed several times a day which is why I haven't gotten any. I'm looking at getting an auto feeder to deal with that issue but still haven't decided if they are the fish for me.


Active Member
Thanks...hmmm I think I'll be looking into an auto feeder lol...I know nothing about them...I assume it's a little trickier if u feed frozen?


Well-Known Member
I would do a couple feelings with the auto feeder and one with frozen when I got home from work.


Active Member
I dont know how they r designed but couldn't u just put a couple frozen cubes and water in there and it would just dispense portions of it during the day?


Well-Known Member
I think it has to be a dry food, at least the ones I've looked at are. I'd be afraid of bacteria getting into food that was thawed and not refrigerated.

bang guy

One more comment -
There's a list of animals that really should not be attempted by even experienced hobbyists. In my opinion the Long-Nose Butterfly is near the top of that list. While it is possible to be successful with this fish the usual outcome is a dead Butterfly and a frustrated hobbyist.


Active Member
hey everyone....last week I lost two 2 spot gobies male female....I believe my starry blenny killed them both because for the first 2 days he hassled them big time all day long and even seen him take some fins off of the gobies were getting along great hoping up and down with each my question is...I am reordering the 2 fish since they are on warranty...I have had my starry blenny out of my display tank for about a week now but do you think if I add the 2 new gobies and maybe a month later put the blenny back in that it might be ok? I realize there is no one size fits all answer but I thought I would ask some opinions anyways...I know ppl say to reorganize your tank but mine is in a 90 cube tank which I basically have a pyramid in the center and cant get much of a different structure that I like...what im afraid is gonna happen is I had the blenny in there for about 6 months and im afraid he has become fairly familiar to the tank that even keeping him out for a month might not do the trick...thanks for your time


Active Member
Another quick question...anyone had any luck with any kind of corals staying alive while owning an Auriga and or pearl scale butterfly? My dad has one of each and is just wondering what corals they may not go after? Thanks again...and any info on my last post is welcome also :~}


Active Member
hey guys...should the top of my tank water be completely agitated? I wanted to turn down my pump a little but then my water doesn't agitate...I was also wondering if because I have a power head in my sump pointed straight at the top of the sump agitating the water would this be good enough? doesn't the tank just need some part of the water being moved around weather or not its in the DT or the sump?


Active Member
I keep mine in the display. Not only does it agitate the water, but it also keeps things moving around like the uneaten food and the waste. I don't know if it would hurt anything being in the sump vs the display but I have fish that also go and surf the waves from the power head. I would think with it being in the sump your still getting the gas exchange needed.


Active Member
So I know I've seen the opinions on this somewhere but can't remember where anyways I had some LR in a bucket of diluted bleach for a couple days because I had used it in a QT tank and now I have it in a bucket of tap for a week and now I'm about to take it out and let dry for a while...

I'm assuming a month will be plenty to assure myself the bleach and whatnot will be gone and the rock will be safe to add back to the DT?

I will add the LR back to the sump over the course of a couple weeks so I don't disturb the system to much :~}