Recent content by mr.crabs

  1. mr.crabs

    Snails Dieing

    My old snails began to slowly die off a few months ago so I've been buying new ones at a rate of about four a month and they've been dieing too. All other inverts. in tank are doing fine.
  2. mr.crabs

    Refigium Lighting

    I was wondering what type of lighting is required for a refugium.
  3. mr.crabs

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

    I would definatly join an aquarium club based in Baton Rouge. E-mail me and let me know, I know a few other people that would probably join.
  4. mr.crabs

    Water changes not needed...?

    Is anyone using Chemi-pure. Their addvertising no water changes needed for 6 months.
  5. mr.crabs

    Louisiana Reefers????

    My e-mail is , I go to Mark's and Al's. I stop at Noah's alot b/c its on the way home and I usually have a 25% off coupon for them. Ther is another great place in Lafayette. It's name is Tropical Fish Bowl. Its worth the drive. I have a buddy that goes to Coral Connection...
  6. mr.crabs

    emerald crab and scarlet hermit eating my polyps?!?

    My hermits and emeralds did the same thing when I got my polyps. I think some of the polyps where dead and they where picking out the dead ones. After a couple of days they've never touched the polyps sense.
  7. mr.crabs

    New Light System

    I have one 10K bulb and one 20K bulb. The 20K bulb is much bluer. It also makes the rocks look greener. I'm still undecided on which one I prefer.
  8. mr.crabs

    Louisiana Reefers????

    Irish Stout, your email address won't work.
  9. mr.crabs

    To feed or not to feed? ...Yellow Polyos

    I feed mine brine shrimp. I also squirt them with microvert once a week.
  10. mr.crabs


    How long have you had your sebea anemone for. I had one for nine months until it died. I want to get another one but I would like to know what kind of luck other people have with them.
  11. mr.crabs

    Louisiana Reefers????

    Hey, I'm ready. I've been looking for more people in town to talk to that have SW tanks. Send me an e-mail.
  12. mr.crabs

    20,000k ?

    PA reef pig, They're 55w bulbs. I have the name brand written down at home. When I get home I'll post the name. It's a small local store that's selling them.
  13. mr.crabs


    I add one heaping teaspoon of Kent turbo calcium ance a week. This has worked for the last year now. It puts my calcium level at around 450.
  14. mr.crabs

    20,000k ?

    I was wondering if one was better for better for soft corals nad anemones. Its time for me to change my bulbs. I currently have 50/50 10K/actinic PC's. My LFS also has a 50/50 20K/actinic.
  15. mr.crabs

    20,000k ?

    Does anyone use 20,000K bulbs. If so why and if not why.