Recent content by peasofme

  1. peasofme

    musical shells?

  2. peasofme


    they are good. they clean the tank.
  3. peasofme

    Mandarin dragonet tank size

    one mandarin eats thousands of copepods a day. and they will only eat certain sized ones. even people who have huge thriving tanks need to replenish them.
  4. peasofme

    Mandarin dragonet tank size

    150g is the recommended size with 50g being the lowest people get away with. really this fish needs 100g+ year old tank full of pods and refugium. ora would be the way to go since you can suppliment their diet. there are much easier fish that are just as cool such as blennies and gobies.
  5. peasofme


    in my experience, if you want to go fast, go slow.
  6. peasofme


    Quote: Longnose Hawkfish (not reefsafe?) purple dottyback semi aggressive flame angel, coral beauty, koran angel, queen angel or bi color- one of these (not reefsafe?) sixline wrasse semi aggressive, not invert safe 2 Banggai Cardinal, mated pair 2 helfrichi Firefish Goby, mated pair shrimps...
  7. peasofme

    What to feed a 4" Porcupine Puffer?

    you can also put food on the rocks so they have to scrape. clams on the half shell is good too.
  8. peasofme

    Pistol shrimp question

    he'd probably use the tunnels but he still may dig some.
  9. peasofme

    Tank raised Mandarin

    limpid, i am glad to hear you are making a responsible choice.
  10. peasofme

    Thinking of buying tube worm

    which tube worm? most are as hard to keep as anemones. besides regular feather dusters.
  11. peasofme

    BB aggro tank! what detrius cuc

    bb needs to be siphoned all the time.
  12. peasofme

    Red Crab ID Please??

    he looks like the harmless kind. keep watch
  13. peasofme

    pygmy geometric hawkfish

    i've heard hawks will kill shrimp much bigger than them
  14. peasofme

    Looking for Mated Pair of False Perc's!

    its simple to get a mated pair. go to lfs. go to tank, see two clowns hanging out together. one a little larger than the other. the smaller one shivering next to the bigger one to show submission. that is a mated pair.