Recent content by thauro77

  1. thauro77

    Are my live rock and live sand dead?

    During last week heat wave the power was gone at my building and I lost everything in the tank. I used to complain about how to get my tank cooler and actually went out and purchased a chiller. But the power went out while I was away for two days and when I got back I found a very nasty...
  2. thauro77

    sand sifting creature

    Originally Posted by coralreefer i need something that will keep my sand clean. if i leave it unmoved for too long, cyano starts growing on it. what would be good to keep my sand bed nice and white? its a 75 gallon tank. Adding more flow to your tank will help TONS!!!
  3. thauro77

    Any coral that can fight Xenia?

    Originally Posted by gratefulhippie I cant keep my xenia from growing madly. On the plus side I sell it to my swf store, but it seems to grow overnight? It has even killed my star polyps. I would like to have more varieties of coral but the xenia seem to take over anything other than my...
  4. thauro77

    How to Improve a Sump filter system

    Hello Guys: I have a 75gl reef tank with 80#'s of life rock, 30#'s live sand and a 30gl sump filter (I think). Does anyone knows what I can do to improve this filter and what is the best filter pads I can use for it? I will appreciate any sugestions.
  5. thauro77

    Sponges on liverock

    and the files???
  6. thauro77

    Sponges on liverock

    Hello: I got sponges growing on my live rock. They are pink in color and I was told that these were harmless to the tank and that the only thing they will do to to tank was to add filtration. But know I am getting them growing into the branches of my candy coral and in between of my Zoo's. Also...
  7. thauro77

    My Fish are cooking!!!!! Please help

    It is getting real hot in my appartment. I got a 75gl tank and I can't install an air conditioner unit in the building and the chiller is too dam expensive. Does anybody know how to build a chiller, a good chiller that can chilled my tank. I got 105 degrees. Please HELP i don't want all my fish...
  8. thauro77

    The Best filtration System???

    Englis please!!! just kidding. So where can I get all these, at the lfs? please let me know how to add them to the sump. Thanks
  9. thauro77

    The Best filtration System???

    Does anyone know what will be the best filtration System for a reef tank? I got a 75gl tank and I have a sump system but I am not sure anymore that this is the best way to filtrate the water. I will prefer Something that is natural and beneficial for the fish and the corals and stuff. Please let...
  10. thauro77

    clowns not eating

    Maybe they're on a diet... just kidding. Mine also had the same problem and i used misys shrimp with garlic extreme and he started eating, now he is a pig. I have a maroon clown fish. Hope this will help
  11. thauro77

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    I have a question for this. So yopu are supposed to scrub the algae off the filter? It's that correct? and how often should I do this? Originally Posted by SantaMonica Part 2 of 8 You might ask why you have not heard of turf algae filters before. Well turf algae is actually used quite a bit in...
  12. thauro77

    My clam has a hole

    I also have a darsa clam, i think that is the name and I notice the hole as well but as you said it may be the mouth.
  13. thauro77

    Rearrenging Tank, HELP!!!

    I have tried to get the LTA out of the tank but she placed itself inside of a hole in a rock making it impossible for me to romove it unless I get rid of the rock; and this rock has also 2 nice feather dusters. Also the carpet anemone is so burried in the sand that is almost impossible for me to...
  14. thauro77

    Rearrenging Tank, HELP!!!

    Sorry for the spelling, Chromies
  15. thauro77

    Rearrenging Tank, HELP!!!

    Hello Guys: I have 75gl reef tank with 90-100punds of live rock and arround 60 pounds of live sand. I have: 2 Crommies 1 Shrimp Goby 1 Maroon clown fish 1 Color Beauty 1 Midas Blenny 1 Yellow watchman goby Zoos 1 Bubble Coral 1 Candy Cane coral 1 long tentacle anemone 1 Carpet anemone 1 Dorsa...