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  1. sjohnny8

    Cleaner shrimp

    So it is far fetched that I would possibly bu able to raise and sell these things
  2. sjohnny8

    Cleaner shrimp

    Is that all? I thought that there was more to it than just that.
  3. sjohnny8

    Cleaner shrimp

    So I noticed for the 5th time that my cleaner shrimp has a ton of eggs in his or her belly. What can I do so that it will lay the eggs and have babies? Or can I do that? Please help me with any info.
  4. sjohnny8

    Cleaner shrimp eggs

    So I noticed for the 5th time that my cleaner shrimp has a ton of eggs in his or her belly. What can I do so that it will lay the eggs and have babies? Or can I do that? Please help me with any info.
  5. sjohnny8

    cleaner shrimp with eggs

    So I noticed for the 5th time that my cleaner shrimp has a ton of eggs in his or her belly. What can I do so that it will lay the eggs and have babies? Or can I do that? Please help me with any info.
  6. sjohnny8


    thanks, I guess that I can just get another tang. I currently have 1 purple tang. What do you think about a salfin tang. They might be buddies
  7. sjohnny8

    dragon goby

    Another question. what do dragon gobies eat. I have had one and he is getting very skiny. He doesn't even sift through the gravel anymore. I have never seen him eat one thing. What do I do?
  8. sjohnny8


    Question. Would a pigmy angel fish and a vermiculated angle be good together. I am thinking about getting a vermiculated angle, but I don't want them to kill each other. What are your thoughts? :thinking:
  9. sjohnny8

    Bubble alage please help!!!!!!!

    I have tried picking off the bubble alage... it didn't work! I have tried getting emerald crabs to eat the bubble alage..... it didn't work. I have tried didn't work. Is there anything else that I can possibly do to get rid of this stuff. It seems to be spreading and I am...
  10. sjohnny8

    Dragon goby diet?

    Hey, does anyone now what dragon gobies eat. I know that they sift through the sand and threy get nutrients but what do they eat.. I just got him and he sifts the sand but should there be other stuff that I need to supplement his diet?
  11. sjohnny8

    New Mushrooms

  12. sjohnny8

    Todestol leather coral and a ufo

    yea, it came with the leather so I guess that it what it is. I just moved it from another spot so I hope that it will start blooming
  13. sjohnny8

    Todestol leather coral and a ufo

    I recently bought a todestole leather coral from the lfs and it seems to have a thin layer of silky slime on it. Is this bad or not. If so what do you think I should do. Also attached is a pic of a ufo in my tank. What is it
  14. sjohnny8

    Idenitfy please

    Is this a type of nudibranch, and if so should I keep it or get rid of it? :help:
  15. sjohnny8

    A mystery..... Help me!

    Is coralie alage bad and should I try and get rid of it. Also, how do I get rid of the flatworms?
  16. sjohnny8

    shroom invasion

    I can't seem to multiply. What do i need to do so they will produce
  17. sjohnny8

    A mystery..... Help me!

    Hey guys, I have 3 questions for ya. First, my orange linka has dark spots on him and I don't know why they are there. Second, there is a white, fuzzy looking slug that I just found that must been attached to a new coral from the LFS crawling around my aguarium. Can you help me identify it...
  18. sjohnny8

    xenia questions

    I just got some a small cluster of xenia the other day from the LFS and was wondering what I need to do to keep it looking nice and growing. I got some Iodine to put in every week, but is there anything else I should do? :notsure:
  19. sjohnny8

    kill kill kill

    what do these things look like? mushroom that are growing on a rock?
  20. sjohnny8

    Fish Limit

    I have a sump below with a protein skimmer and always run poly filters. I really haven't had any problems with my levels and I don't really want to so I guess that I will just stick to what I have