I mean I have 7 fish. I have:
1Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Red Sea Sailfin
1 Green Chromis
1 Zebra Bar Goby
1 True Percula
1 Black Percula
And I know what you guys are thinking that my 80 gallon tank is to small these three tangs but they seem to be happier than at the LFS.
Hi I've been in the hobbie for a about a year and a couple months. And I've alaways had trouble with my NITRATE. I don't run a protien skimmer. And my nitrate is at 80ppm. I'm thinking about not feeding my fish for about a couple of days. Everything else is good. pH 8.2 NITRITE 0ppm, and...
I was thinking of puchasing a dusky jawfish. But I want to know if I would be able to house one with these fish and invertibrates?
1Red Sea Sailfin Tang
1Yellow Tang
1Green Chromis
1Zebra Bar Gobie
1True Percula
1Black Percula
2 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
10 Hermit Crabs
1 Zebra Snail
He gave me some powder bacteria. I don't remember the name of it. But I think thats what did it because after I stoped using it my fish seemed healthier.
I bougth a shrimp at a LFS today. And the the guy said that it was a tiger shrimp(not a tiger pistol shrimp) and I was wondering if anyone has heard of a tiger shrimp before.
I have a wet dry filter, Jebo canister filter, uv light. I have like rock and just fish, I recently went through a wipe out. I lost a lot of fish.
I am just starting to add some in.
I am having trouble keeping my Nitrate level at zero. It is usally at zero when I do a water change. But a weak later it is at 40ppm, is this normal? I was told Nitrate always has to be at zero. Someone please explain.