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  1. sculdermut

    Thieving Clownfish

    Well, today I finally decided to move him to the top of my rock structure. He had attached to some barnicle shells, so I just moved the whole thing to the top. He's halfway onto my live rock now, and he's really opened up. I noticed my dominoe fanning his tail at it. I'm not sure why, but he...
  2. sculdermut

    Thieving Clownfish

    Anybody have experience with rock flower anemones?
  3. sculdermut

    Thieving Clownfish

    I know it has insufficient light right now. (My new lights don't come in until next week, but I had to buy him while my coupon was good). But how would that explain why he would open up when the lights went out and why he would actually gain a new color (green)?
  4. sculdermut

    Thieving Clownfish

    Yes, the clown was fed about ten minutes before I fed the anemone. It's not my clown I'm worried about. I'm afraid he might have hurt my anemone when he stole the food. I'm not sure what's going on with my anemone, though. He's so small. But I noticed today that each time one of my lights...
  5. sculdermut

    Thieving Clownfish

    I gave my flower anemone a piece of shrimp last night, and it had it wrapped in its tentacles. As soon as my blue-stripe saw the piece of shrimp, he snatched it out and gobbled it down, and then he went back and nipped at the anemone once. I gave the anemone another piece and made sure it ate...
  6. sculdermut

    Hermit I.D.

    :thinking: bump
  7. sculdermut

    Hermit I.D.

    By the way, he's not nearly as big as he looks in the picture since that is sand he's crawling around in. I'd say he's only 1/4 inch big.
  8. sculdermut

    Hermit I.D.

    I put 50 blue-leg hermits in my tank about two weeks ago, and I just realized tonight that there was one crab that looked different from the rest. Does anybody have a clue to what kind of crab this is? Note that it has red antennae rather than the yellow ones that my blue-legs have.