I am sure you do! You post very helpful advice. You have a 55 right now I believe I read, when you going to upgrade? You going to keep your 55 and get a 125 also?
How big are you going next??
Is your powder blue small enough to keep for a while?
You know the police they are all over you if they do not agree with the size of your tank?
Your sure don't want the police on you!!
Nemo clips I think just look cheap in a tank. Hopefully a blue clip will look better!
No new fish additions, hoping for a new coral of some sort?
Did you try hanging the sheets like was said on yesterdays thread or just letting them feast?
Powder Blues are beautiful good luck! Although everyone says they are hard, the beauty in them is worth the effort!!
What is you next fish to add?
Love your tank, and your husbands boat!! At least you have the best of both worlds!!! He has the boat and you the tank!! I would say you got a great mothers day present. Love the beers = corals!!!
Is he getting along with your other fish? Heard they can be very shy, how is yours adapting? Glad to hear from your posts that he is eating the sheets now!! Ever get that snail eating problem under control?
When they burn up have you been sending them back? Sounds like Rio's fault. Could end up being pretty dangerous. I would say gumming up Rio would say is your own fault and probably won't help you much, but just burning up, I would send those back!!
I agree Lion Crazz, easy on the responses, a mistake was made and he looking for help! Let's not ream him now. Better to give adivce of how to move on and keep the tank going!