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  1. hunter04106


    If this stuff is so good in the fuge?Why cant it be bought on this site.
  2. hunter04106


    Verry good advice,I will do just that.
  3. hunter04106


    should i increase amount of food and supliments
  4. hunter04106


    Should a skimmer run all of the time or be timed. I have a 40 breader/w 3 fish some coral and lots of clean up crew
  5. hunter04106

    birthday presents (corals)?! woop woop

    Get soime mushroomes ,colt any softies.
  6. hunter04106

    new refugiuem

    Thanks for info. how much mudd for 24-4-14 hang on refuge.I think its sold by the liter.
  7. hunter04106

    new refugiuem

    May i ask what cheatos is.No live rock no plants
  8. hunter04106

    new refugiuem

    May i ask what cheatos is.
  9. hunter04106

    new refugiuem

    I just ordered new refuge.Not sure what to put in it for filtration.Live sand or mudd with live rock.What type of plants.
  10. hunter04106

    feeding through ref

    Can you feed through hang on ref
  11. hunter04106

    feeding through ref

    Can you feed through ref
  12. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    What size,is it lighted, tell me more.
  13. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    Biggger is always better!
  14. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    Biggger is always better!
  15. hunter04106

    my new 180 long build

    in sted of running 6 out lets drill 1/2 in holes in 1/in pvc. You could save on t fittings.
  16. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    Wow thats bigger than the ref i found 24:4:14 is largest i can find w /20in pc.
  17. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    I have a 40 breader and was wondering if a hang on ref was worth my time.Yea its small but with 7 kids its low budget .Lfs cuts me some deals and gives me somethging t0 do other than change diapers .
  18. hunter04106

    hang on refugem

    I have a 40 breader and was wondering if a hang on ref was worth my time.Yea its small but with 7 kids its low budget .Lfs cuts me some deals and gives me somethging t0 do other thange diapers .
  19. hunter04106

    $20.00 Frag

    I want one
  20. hunter04106

    pics of the 60 gal sps tank

    You cant be serious 2.50 per lb.I live in maine and its 8.00 per lb.I watched a lady last week buy an 18 lb rock and almost craped my self.