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  1. chickenhedfred

    juls 55g reef

    Looks good! I love that clam. How much did you pay for it???
  2. chickenhedfred

    75 gallon reef on the path to recovery from a crash last year

    This tank looks really nice!!! I was expecting to see a brand new tank starting over but this one looks VERY established!! That's a good thing tho. Keep up the good work buddy! Lookin great!
  3. chickenhedfred

    Turtle and Bubbles 75 Gallon Tank

    Alrighty! Cant wait to see some pictures.
  4. chickenhedfred

    Turtle and Bubbles 75 Gallon Tank

    Hahaha I was wonderin... How big is that tank and what do you plan to put in it? What kinda tank? fowlr, reef, fo, predator etc.
  5. chickenhedfred

    55g of Saltwater Fun!!!

    Looks like a really nice tank. It's hard to believe you have had it for seven years tho. JMO but I think you should have some more colorful stuff in there. No offense intended tho it's still an awesome fifty five!!!
  6. chickenhedfred

    Clean Up Crew

    Alrighty!! Will do. Thanks Nano-Newb and everybody else who posted.
  7. chickenhedfred

    ok need something blue...

    Blue Green Chromis are real pretty, but lots of people have em'. I have a yellowtail damsel and he has no agressiveness in him whatsoever. I guess it all depends on which one you happen to get. Some are some aren't. I had a blue devil damsel but they are EXTREMELY agressive and...
  8. chickenhedfred

    Clean Up Crew

    Thanks everybody for the replies. That really helped. I think im gonna take a trip to my lfs this week some time. I have some polyps, mushrooms, and feathdusters in my tank. If I get crabs, will they mess with them? Plus I have had experience with the crabs eating the snails so I was just...
  9. chickenhedfred

    Clean Up Crew

    I have a 24 gallon Aquapod and I was wondering how much and what clean up crew I should have. I have a scarlet hermit crab, about 5 baby serpent starfishes (hitch hikers) a dragon goby and 1 snail. Let me know!!!
  10. chickenhedfred

    44 Gallon Hex Reef

    Originally Posted by JerryAtrick Finally was able to get some new pics with a good camera. Wat Kind of Camera is it????
  11. chickenhedfred

    14 Gallon BioCube

    Hey DeMartini!! Wat kind of camera did u take these pics with?? I'm very jealous!!!
  12. chickenhedfred

    Question About a Wrasse

    Thanks so much guys!! Keep replying. Your advice is helping a lot. I always wanted a coral beauty too, but never knew when to add one. I will get a small sixline if i do get one but thanx!! Post pictures of ur sixlines and tanks too!
  13. chickenhedfred

    Question About a Wrasse

    I've got a 24 gallon that I've had since February last year. But I had to dump it out and start over. Anyway, I have two fish. A yellowtail damsel and a dragon goby. I had a three stripe damsel but it died unexpectedly. I need to get one of those full water testing kits for it. The damsel...
  14. chickenhedfred

    SWEET pictures of my tank, corals, fish

    Pretty good pics if I say so myself. Ya be sure to send me a piece of that xenia too. Love the purple zoos and the mushrooms are sweet. Good job!
  15. chickenhedfred

    Got some zoos today plus new pics of old stuff

    Sweet zoas!! and I love the orange mushrooms!! How big is ur tank?? How many fish?
  16. chickenhedfred

    some of my corals in my 120

    Really pretty corals and fish. Are those the only two fish in your tank? If not, what else do you have in there? Is that a naso tang?
  17. chickenhedfred

    royal dottyback help

    Well I'm not an expert, but I think that dottybacks are pretty much the same as psuedochromises right? When I brought my purple psuedochromis home, I didn't see him for 4-5 hours. I thought something happened to him. I was looking on the floor beside the tank and in the bank chambers and...
  18. chickenhedfred

    ChickenHedFred's 24 Gal Aquapod

    Just as I was about to upload some pics, my camera went dead! So now I have to buy a new camera. AAAHHHH!!! I mean it was litterally plugged up to the computer, then POOF!! It went. So I'm really sorry about not having pics!!
  19. chickenhedfred

    ChickenHedFred's 24 Gal Aquapod

    Thanks Nissan! I think me and you are the only two people on this thread. I wonder why that is. Is this thread really bad? And I know you're gonna say it doesn't have any pics, but it does have a few to look at and I even asked a question.
  20. chickenhedfred

    ChickenHedFred's 24 Gal Aquapod

    I really need to get a new camera. Mine stinks! I have 200 new fish images and my computer won't let me put them on the computer where my pic stuff is. Really sorry about that by the way.