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  1. hbalagh

    Worm ID?

    the lil one doesn't look like it has any legs or anything
  2. hbalagh

    Worm ID?

    Here is the best I could get of these tiny little orange worms
  3. hbalagh

    Worm ID?

    This is the 2nd time i've seen this guy (i have a couple other worms but need to get photos of them first) He's about 2-3 inches long
  4. hbalagh

    What are these

    I've noticed a couple of these recenly and wondering what they are...
  5. hbalagh

    Can U Identify

    I think I may have finally identified this. Another place said that it was some sort of Arc Clam but wasn't sure which so i looked it up and it seems to be a Arca ventricosa aka Ventricose ark
  6. hbalagh

    Can U Identify

    Does anyone know for sure what this is?
  7. hbalagh

    Can U Identify

    Ok I was looking into my tank today when I saw this thing open up and close, so I was able to take a shot of it, not a very good one but maybe good enough to see what i mean in that the left side of it like splits open and closes... Here it is open, the picture in the beginning of the thread it...
  8. hbalagh

    Can U Identify

    hmm maybe
  9. hbalagh

    a sticky situation??

    OUCH! good luck
  10. hbalagh

    Can U Identify

    Can anyone identify this (the thing in the middle on my rocks) I have seen it move a little every so often it will like move over a little
  11. hbalagh

    How do you get to the messige borads?

    But to answer the question I really never leave. It's always an open tab on FF
  12. hbalagh

    How do you get to the messige borads?

    Originally Posted by m0nk I think it's supposed to stand for virtual board. One of the many terms in the industry used to label message boards/forums/bulletin boards/etc. vb usually refers to vbulletin which is the script used for these forums :) so yes i guess vbulletin stands for virtual board
  13. hbalagh

    Banned Cat Shark from Egg to Aggressive Shark

    That is so cool:)
  14. hbalagh

    More Rock I purchased today

    Originally Posted by deyoe1118 Anenome looks like an Aptasia anenome, bad for your tank, reproduce fast... So I'm guessing I better remove him fast
  15. hbalagh

    More Rock I purchased today

    so no one knows what that is in the middle of the one pic or what kind of anemone the last pic is?
  16. hbalagh

    More Rock I purchased today

    Just discovered something else Is it a feather duster or?
  17. hbalagh

    More Rock I purchased today

    Bought about 35 more lbs of LR this time Marshall Islands Can anyone tell me what this is (remember im a newbie) Some clams Tank so far (have 12lbs of figi over on the right)
  18. hbalagh


    Thanks :)
  19. hbalagh

    xbox live question

    anyone know what is the difference between the different memberships on xbox live especially the silver and gold? Thanks
  20. hbalagh


    finally decided to invest in doing a reef overtime