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  1. kelley5454

    New LR is this good or bad?

    Thanks B you are right I forgot to mention the photos from the first two are in a tank with no fish and the rick is new, the polyp is in my nano which I set up in July. I won't worry for awhile! Kelley
  2. kelley5454

    New LR is this good or bad?

    Thanks I posted these yesterday and am a bit worried today it loos like a nuclear reaction. I posted a few other pictures in another post asking for help identifying the culprits. Sponges is what two people have said so far...the post is at...if you'd like to take a look at the new pics...
  3. kelley5454

    Help, can anyone tel me what this stuff is?

    I'm vigorously looking up sponges now...I'm terrified of putting my fish in there if its bad....all suggestions are certainly welcome! thanks Kelley
  4. kelley5454

    Help, can anyone tel me what this stuff is?

    Just got this LR on fri// It is in a 55gal no fish yet. i won't to move the fish later. There is stuff on my rock and I do not know if its good or bad,but it doesn't look good to me....if anyone can help please let me the purple pics you will see circle like things theses have developed...
  5. kelley5454

    Redish/Black growth on LR in nano tank

    The tank has been set up for about 3-4 months. by good water I guess I mean the following according to my test kit Ammonia 0 Nitrite .25 Nitrate 0 Ph 7.8-8.0m( I added a bit if ph boost to it) Salinity 1.025 (with a hydrometer) temp 78 10% water change each week Top of with fresh as needed
  6. kelley5454

    Redish/Black growth on LR in nano tank

    Ok so i htough all was going well all my critters are accounted for, I have beautiful clean rock where the cleaner crew has been and then we see this red and black growth on one of the rocks! Can someone help I dentify it? My nano... 12g 10 lbs LR 2 Scarlet Hermits 2 Blue leg hermits 1 turbo...
  7. kelley5454

    New LR is this good or bad?

    I just got some new LR from my local LFS yesterday, 43 lbs from fiji. The rock is a bit different than the last stuff I got there. It has areas that appear to be bluish purple? it is not like th epurple in my nano that results from the cleaner crew. I have posted a pic to try to see if anyone...
  8. kelley5454

    Algae Question

    I have a newbie question about algae. I have a friend who has a grean algae line just below the LS line of the tank. Some people are telling her it is fine and others say it's not. What should she do? My own tank has a very small amount just under the LS line but hers is about a quarter inch...
  9. kelley5454

    The Next additions?

    Hi I just found out about this great place. I have a 55 gal that I am setting up, I will be migrating the fish in my 12 gal into the 55 so I can use the 12 as a quarantine tank. I am curious as a fairly new hobbyist (4months) as to any suggestions on the rest of the inhabitants I should place in...