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  1. miaheatlvr

    MAC MAIL QUESTION PLEASE! ANYBODY? Its probably an easy answer!

    AND look at me? I got all excited and clicked right away expecting to find an answer..ahahahaha
  2. miaheatlvr

    MAC MAIL QUESTION PLEASE! ANYBODY? Its probably an easy answer!

    I want to send 20 people or MORE, the same exact email.. I know you put all of your recipients into the address bar and separate emails with a comma.. BUT I DONT WANT THE RECIPIENT TO SEE all the other addresses I sent in the bulk email.. for security reasons and also I want that person to think...
  3. miaheatlvr

    I Can't Read...

    Try that Kinder, thing.. looks like it might be easier to try and read..
  4. miaheatlvr

    Hey! Guess who's birthday was TODAY!!

    Tizz, you have kids with girlfriends?? you're like way to young for that arent you? You're like 28 no?
  5. miaheatlvr

    I hear thunder, but there's no rain.

    TOOOO HOTTTT HERE!!!!, Went for a jog.. it was raining under this one rain cloud, 100ft away it was completely sunny.. so strange..
  6. miaheatlvr

    Man code?

    Very simple #1 before anything Bro's before _oe's.. #2 Tell him listen "I would really try to talk to this girl and if he's not going to persue it you would like a crack at her and if it will bother him".. if he has other chicks it shouldn't bother him but he must back off 100% and give you a...
  7. miaheatlvr

    How early is too early for Taco Bell?

    I see that you are eating healthier now that you are a bachelor.. Hey, welcome to the club!
  8. miaheatlvr

    Been a while

    Welcome back my friend! hope all is well!
  9. miaheatlvr


    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...PEZ...You remember the good old days...AHAHAHAHHAHAH hhahahahaha, you took the words right out of my mouth, When you remember seeing UNDERDOG and first run Banana Splits or Bugaloos,, get back to me..
  10. miaheatlvr

    It's your decision

    Roll the dices and maybe go out with a bang! When your dead you dont know that your dead!
  11. miaheatlvr

    Life without Purple

    Does that mean no purple JUJU BEE'S?
  12. miaheatlvr

    I have gray hair...

    I got my first one at about 31.. i yanked it out and was upset for a week.. now I have a few but not ready for JUST FOR MEN quite yet..
  13. miaheatlvr

    Accept or Ignore?

    Facebook can be your best friend or worst enemy.. people you dont want to see or hide from magically appear after so many years out of your mind.. make sure you only add people you know very well to avoid spying people...
  14. miaheatlvr

    Whats your dream car?

    That's perfect for you CK, Eco friendly, Green and I bet you dont have one of those on your farm back home..%%
  15. miaheatlvr


    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Another pointless thread... Yeah ya think??? NOOOOOOOOOO...
  16. miaheatlvr

    Don't view/click this thread!!

    Doesnt Home School start yet?
  17. miaheatlvr

    I have a cold...

    liquids, vitamin c, orange juice, ecanatia w/golden seal root, emergencee, airbornes, chicken soup, and alkaseltzer cold plus nighttime when you go to sleep.. That should clear it up in a few days... if not.. go to the doctor and check for SWINE FLU.. and im serious..
  18. miaheatlvr


    Alix why would you want to get banned? Just leave like last time and then come back in a few months as usual... hahahaha Lurking is fun as well!
  19. miaheatlvr


    Wassup bro... long time no see,, hows life? What do you mean what happened to this place.. please elaborate.. hahahahhaahah You should remember a few of the names.. but not many..
  20. miaheatlvr

    a note to the drinkers out there

    Originally Posted by Salt Life lol idk, it would have sounded weird if i said i can't please everyone so i am "defending" crypt(not that he needs me to). he is a good dude and im sure didnt mean any harm in what he said, so lets drop the sassyness and go back to talking about taco bell meat...