I do love the unit. Its very easy to use. Its this dam ammonia issue driving me nuts. The guy i spoke with at the manufacturer said it will remove everything. So iam hoping its just a bad test kit or worse case need a diff carbon filter
Thank you sir. I will keep you posted. As of yest tap and ro/ di was basically clean. Mix was still around 2ppm. So if the new test shows same, i shall try a brand new mixing cantainer and powerhead lol
Quills i tell you this stuff is a pain in the a$$!!!! Lol i called aqua fx to see whats what. Fella said the system should remove everything. Said it could be a bad test kit. So i shall try a new one and see
Correct, ok i will look into this. This do it your self ro thing is new to me. I use to buy it. I was really getting pissed bc i even changed salts thinking that was an issue.
So the carbon block will say it removes this stuff?
Ok thank you. How bout this theory. I googled it and this was one answer.
When newly mixed ammonia will show until gas exchange is completed. Believable??