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  1. florida joe

    what to do?b

    so you have a bare bottom tank and just live rock
  2. florida joe

    macro algae

    Yes Flower when you harvest caulerpa and keep it in check it has no fear of not having enough room to grow or enough nutrients only when it does feel that those two requirements are not available will it as a means of survival will go sexual and attempt to find another place to colonize
  3. florida joe

    what to do?b

    Yes you don’t have to leave much in your tank once you start the cycle. What are you using for a substratum now?
  4. florida joe

    macro algae

    It depends on where in your system you want to place it. For a refuge I would suggest you research caulerpa. It will out compete any other form macro. And as far as it going asexual, that is what you want. That is how it grows new blades. The problem arises when the hobbyist does not harvest...
  5. florida joe

    what to do?b

    You can take the shrimp out when you start to read ammonia then add a much smaller fresh piece to feed your bacteria
  6. florida joe


    You need to take in to consideration your overflow rate you never want your return gph to be greater than your overflow also are you looking for more flow or more movement ?
  7. florida joe

    Overwhelmed already!!!!

    how are you testing for salinity
  8. florida joe

    New Hobbiest needs 101

    The most obvious way would be to buy a good book on the subject but other ways would be to simply go on line find articles on specific areas like “the life cycle of marine ick” now the hobbyist can take the information he or she finds most pertinent and either print the info out and store it in...
  9. florida joe

    New Hobbiest needs 101

    How about starting a good reference library
  10. florida joe

    After ich

    Quote: Originally Posted by sepulatian +100! This member has been banned though :) Sir Q is that you be still my heart
  11. florida joe

    what to do?b

    Quote: Also, would it be considered the "true death"? like a wooden stake through the heart Quote: Keep your fingers out of the sandbed. You can push your fingers into it if you must, but NEVER "stir" it. Greg god knows how many times I have been slapped for doing just that
  12. florida joe

    what to do?b

    What I think may have happened was you stirred up your substratum releasing hydrogen sulfides. That is what killed your fish that in turn taxed your bio filtration to the point where it could not handle the organic breakdown and the ammonia spike you recorded
  13. florida joe

    what to do?b

    That very well may be BUT you did not break an ammonia bubble in your sand how long has your tank been up and running
  14. florida joe

    what to do?b

    i would look for a lfs you do not trap ammonia in your sand bed if anything you relesed Hydrogen Sulfides
  15. florida joe

    what to do?b

    Quote: Today everything in my 10g fish tank died, do to me breaking some kind of ammonia pocket or bubble that was in the sand who told you this
  16. florida joe

    After ich

    Quote: UV sterilizer or Ozone with a controller have a secondary capability besides crystal clear water, the parasites fall off a fish every 24 hours and go to a new host, UV or Ozone kills free floating parasites. this is a absolutely wrong statment also when using ozone one needs to remember...
  17. florida joe

    Overwhelmed already!!!!

    Actually IMO our bio filtration system is based on fixed bacteria colonization. The colony’s need to come in contact with nutrient rich water to do their jobs. Power heads are the primary way we produce this movement within our closed system tanks
  18. florida joe

    Overwhelmed already!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by cubnb79 koralia powerhead is whats recommended its basically a fan to make current in the water like there is in the ocean and why is this important in our inclosed system
  19. florida joe

    Overwhelmed already!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by firekat96 I don't have any friends with a SWT to get water from. Is all live sand better than mixing with CC? and will 2" be enough in the bottom? Ya'll are such a huge help... please buy a book on the hobby
  20. florida joe

    Overwhelmed already!!!!

    you can mix this one time in your tank, i like the one rock at a time thing . i should keep things interesting for a while