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  1. reefkeeperZ


    I had spoken with them on friday beth I figured it would at least be through the weekend before I got a reply
  2. reefkeeperZ


  3. reefkeeperZ

    Trial run of "AcroPower"

    sounds like a new version of the old mark weiss products like specra vital and black powder
  4. reefkeeperZ


    I did I called and spoke with some one they said they would be giving me a call back...
  5. reefkeeperZ


    Sand stirring done regularly keeps the sand bed oxygenated, and is beneficial to the bacteria in the sand bed by keeping it aerobic. It may also lift detritus into the water column for filtration as well as consumption by corals (if the particles fall in the right size range for the coral to...
  6. reefkeeperZ


    I really hope SWF can sort out my old account today so I can start my newest tank journal under my real profile. I haven't heard anything the lady I talked to on the phone said some one would call me back and its been since friday. Good thing the hobby has taught me a modicum of patience lol.
  7. reefkeeperZ

    Protein Skimmer

    Really? That's hilarious. I have run many tanks without skimmers. there is not one piece of equipment I can think of that will be the "end" of life for a tank if you don't have it. not one. I've run low light tanks on sunlight alone, I've done fish systems with nothing more than circulation...
  8. reefkeeperZ


    Unfortunately, Having light demanding corals reduces how much you actually reduce light to combat anything. and if its cyano even worse news is light reduction is completely ineffective as far as defeating cyano goes in my opinion. I did an experiment where siphoned cyano and some sludge (cyano...
  9. reefkeeperZ

    Bio-diversity: my thoughts

    oh definitely, My point was to get from as many places as possible to increase diversity that includes lfs or ordering it etc. I just try not to buy all from one or if I do I'll trade a few out with others.
  10. reefkeeperZ

    Bio-diversity: my thoughts

    Reef start up: Maximizing bio-diversity Hey guys, had a moment to think and since I am starting up a new 30g I figured I would throw some of my ideas around on how to maximize bio-diversity in a new tank. What do you mean, you ask. I mean trying to get as much variation in bacterial species...
  11. reefkeeperZ

    Trial run of "AcroPower"

    i'm just curious because often bottled or powdered "magic ointment" is little more than repackaged, waste. or a mixture of already commonly available stuff blended and price jacked for profit. Being a julian sprung product, I wouldn't say that that is what this stuff is since he's definitely...
  12. reefkeeperZ

    Diatoms or cyano?

    if you keep siphoning it out the thickest stuff, and keep the sand bed stirred it should eventually, Unfortunately cyano can take several months to run its course, depending of course, on the amount of nutrients there are to be consumed.
  13. reefkeeperZ

    Hello im new to salt water tanks need some help on equipment

    I've used 55g sumps before, hard to squeeze equipment in them but the depth is awesome for refugiums, if you want a DSB in it for denitrification, as well as seeing the water level drop from evaporation. unfortunately the height of the tank makes getting into it a pain when its under a stand...
  14. reefkeeperZ

    Show off your tank(s)!!

    I'm with you on that one, I spent a lot of time moving around when i was young about once a year for several years. I'm hoping to only move one more time in my life to a larger piece of property not directly in the city. and when I do I am hiring movers to come and do all the grunt work.
  15. reefkeeperZ


    hopefully once the weekend is over IT support can get me back in my old account, I really want to dig up some of my old threads (like ressurecting zombies) far easier to do from the inside. I keep banging my head on the wall trying to think of what email account i might have had way back when I...
  16. reefkeeperZ

    Diatoms or cyano?

    doh, you're right I had my thinking backwards, don't know why I flipped that. Sorry OP, and thanks bang guy for straightening me out :confused: I'll blame it on being tired... or something lol I definitely shouldn't have flipped it. I know from past experience that swapping old sand into a new...
  17. reefkeeperZ

    Hello im new to salt water tanks need some help on equipment

    he said 500$ per piece for the list, i wish I had that budget for setting up a reef it would be slick.
  18. reefkeeperZ

    Diatoms or cyano?

    probably diatoms. red slime will not fade at lights out, diatoms will. not surprising since you totally restet the tank and added more sand so there is fresh sil;icates for them to feed on.
  19. reefkeeperZ

    Way to prevent spam bots

    there is an email verification, but email accounts are free and bots generate them automatically now, thats an outdated method of stopping them as you see.
  20. reefkeeperZ


    what kinds of corals? LPS softies SPS, or mixed reef?