Search results

  1. ladyreefseeker

    Poll Week 14 Tangs

    Please choose your favorite Tang photo. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to and a donation will be made in their name to The Deep Blue Seas Foundation.
  2. ladyreefseeker

    Week 15 Topic: Marine Plants

    Please submit a Marine Plant Photo for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to and a donation will be made to The Deep Blue Seas Foundation in the winners name.
  3. ladyreefseeker

    Week 14 Topic: Tangs

    Great job with the Tang photos! They are so fast and difficult to photograph... The poll will be up shortly!
  4. ladyreefseeker

    Poll Week 12 GOBIES

    The winner is Brandon Sivek! Congratulations!
  5. ladyreefseeker

    Poll Week 13 Mushrooms

    Select your favorite Mushrooms photo and the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to and a donation will be made in their name to The Deep Blue Seas Foundation.
  6. ladyreefseeker

    Week 14 Topic: Tangs

    Please submit your favorite Tang photo for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to and a donation will be made in the winners' name to The Deep Blue Seas Foundation.
  7. ladyreefseeker

    Hitchhiker ID Please...

    I'm gonna guess baby brittle/serpent stars?
  8. ladyreefseeker


    I would like to encourage people to participate in this. Rewards can be shipped with the order you place with your winning gift certificates!
  9. ladyreefseeker


    Rewards for Reviews At, we offer a Reef Rewards program for repeat customers. This program allows points to be redeemed for specific items within a special menu. Points are earned with each purchase from our store. Please see the link for more information on Reef Rewards...
  10. ladyreefseeker

    a few to many?

    In my opinion yes. Too many fish that will not have enough room as they grow, especially the Tangs. You will likely see problems as the Maroon Clown starts to mature and acquires its own territory. Also, more than half of the fish mentioned will double if not triple in size if they are now...
  11. ladyreefseeker

    seems bad to me

    yup. bad.