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  1. petjunkie

    Your Favorite Forums Memory

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Actually I hav e a better memory........... Tobin. Dang, haven't thought about Tobin in a long time, was a sad time around here.
  2. petjunkie

    Red / Orange Flower Tree Coral..would it be ok?

    Not an easy coral to keep unless it's in a dedicated non photo tank, they require a lot of feedings and can really mess up your water quality, I would do a lot of reading on their care but not a coral I would choose for a average mixed reef due to their specialized needs. In the future I...
  3. petjunkie

    Just lost a Trigger

    Live rock doesn't take any "messing" it's natural filtration and provides a food source plus hiding places. A toby puffer would be the only kind suitable for a 50 gallon tank and any puffer has the chance of nipping and bothering any fish, especially the larger ones. The rest of your fish list...
  4. petjunkie

    Ducans = super growth

    I had to get rid of my first duncans after they outgrow my nano, hanging on to some again for a buddy in my fowlr and they have started to take off even though I never feed them. They will grow way too fast with frequent feedings.
  5. petjunkie

    My dendro, my first real coral!

    You can overfeed, and if it's not digested fast enough will rot from the inside out. Not good. I have fed twice a day but small amounts, normally feed once a day or every other day, I feed mainly mysis, but some homemade, occansionally pellets, gel food, whatever is being fed to my other...
  6. petjunkie

    What is this LPS??

    Almost looks like pectinia but they are usually more lumpy. Closest it reminds me of though.
  7. petjunkie

    What do you guys think? 1 more!!

    I would probably add a small wrasse, hawkfish or dwarf angel, adding another large fish is pushing it IMO. You have 4 fish that will hit 8-10 inches each. that's a lot of bioload down the line. Unless you have an awesome skimmer. I like your stocklist though, I have a 135 fowlr with a...
  8. petjunkie

    Blue Wilderness dog food

    Did you do a gradual switch? Going from grain filled food to rich food quickly can be hard on dogs, it usually takes a couple months to see whether or not a food will work for your dog. I haven't tried Blue, mine eat Taste of the Wild, we did Solid Gold for 3 months when I couldn't get it and...
  9. petjunkie

    Python ban

    Interesting that ANYONE on a saltwater forum would support a ban on non native species like this. Considering that released saltwater fish (on purpose and not) are currently causing issues and may come under this exact fire and type of ban. Any animal can kill a child, a dog, a cat, a horse, a...
  10. petjunkie

    Reg. Sun corals or Dendrophyllia pros & cons.

    Sun coral are a little harder to feed, usually more heads and smaller mouths. Cheaper though. Dendros are larger. Mine stays open pretty well but I feed during the day and they have minimal lighting over them, just a low watt led fixture.
  11. petjunkie

    Interracial relationships... your thoughts?

    My father is Brasilian and pretty dark, most people assume him to be AA. My mom is white. I've always dated white guys but there's not much variety where I live either. I would date out of my race if I liked the guy, don't really see issue with it.
  12. petjunkie

    swf veterans

    Interesting to see who's still around and what not after a few years. Beth is the queen though!
  13. petjunkie

    Exotics At What Price

    I can't believe they haven't charged the parents for this crap yet, they were keeping that snake in a bag in a glass tank with a quilt over the top and rope keeping it in. And it's escaped before. One of the reports said they let the toddler play with it and pick it up by the head and that...
  14. petjunkie

    Croc Monitor update

    Sweet! I was hoping for pics when I saw this thread, he looks great!
  15. petjunkie

    New Rhizo typus

    Welts from it grabbing onto me when I was moving it, you can feel the sting. Turn on the light when it's open and grab a shot, mine opens pretty well during the day but way larger at night.
  16. petjunkie

    Dedicated non-photosynthetic tank?

    Depending on what corals you pick it's very doable in a nano, large mouth corals sun corals, dendros, etc would be the easiest, anything filter feeder like chili corals or gorgs would be more of a problem for cleaning but may make feeding easier being able to load the tank with food. I just...
  17. petjunkie

    New Rhizo typus

    I feed mine mainly my homemade mix, which is mysis, krill, selcon, pellets, some random frozen fish food, little bit of garlic. But sometimes it gets just a squirtful of mysis or a whole krill. I feed my non photo lps every 2 or 3 days. Just watch out for it's reach, their tentacles are...
  18. petjunkie

    Wife and I put our deposit down on our first Puppy!

    Since she is a puppy normal route is try the drops and hope it corrects itself, if not you can do the surgery later, during her spay sounds like a great time since she won't need to go under multiple times. She is cute, I like the bull and terrier breeds, prefer olde boston bulldogges though...
  19. petjunkie

    I got a rat!!!

    Rats need friends, they are too social to be alone, go get him another male rat to keep him company. I have mice but they are feeders for my ferrets and snake.
  20. petjunkie

    what killed my scallop?

    Bristleworms didn't kill your scallops, they are harmless cleaners who often get blamed for doing their job, cleaning up dead stuff. What kind of scallop was this? If it's a new tank there might be too many flucuations for sensitive species or one of your levels may be off. What's your...