Search results

  1. andymi

    Who has the best reef tank setup here>?

    I think mine is very nice, but I would have to say that Mr. 4000 has me beat. His tank is in my opinion one of the best just in shear size and since he has put in a lot more money than I have I also feel sorry for him :) -andy
  2. andymi

    When should I hire a clean-up crew?

    Typically the Diatoms will go away after the cycle anyhow. Give it time and just be a little patient. --Andy
  3. andymi

    Acropora question

    I would think you don't have enough lighting in your tank to support it or your levels might be a little off. I would move it up and start checking your calcium and alkaline readings to ensure they are good. What type of lighting do you have , how big of a tank etc? -Andy
  4. andymi

    Uhh... Is my Bubbletip reproducing? (pics)

    Bluewater, Mine is approximately 6-8" in diamter now from the original 3-4" and it has been in my tank for about 2-3 months. It has moved quite a few times, and was not cared for by my original clownfish too much, he seemed to like my long tentacle. Anyhow, the clown was nipped at one too many...
  5. andymi

    New FO Person - Advice

    Thanks, luckily I have some time to do this right. I am still in the process of building the sand so I am asking questions and returning the things (equipment) i bought to hastily. I think we are leaning more towards an Angel/Community tank now. My girlfriend really likes the queen and emporer...
  6. andymi

    Substrate - Help

    HAHAHA, I know what DSB is , just trying to be cheap I guess. It said all sales are final. Maybe the guy will return it since I bought a 150 gallon aquarium from him this weekend as well. --Andy
  7. andymi


    All, I was going to use a UGF system with Geo Marine (Carib-Sea) as substrate but have decided to try a DSB for my FO tank. The tank is a 150 gallon tank and I have 120lbs of this Geo Marine that I unfortunately cannot take back. Do you think it would be ok to mix the 90 or 120 lbs of the geo...
  8. andymi

    Substrate - Help

    All, I was going to use a UGF system with Geo Marine (Carib-Sea) as substrate but have decided to try a DSB for my FO tank. The tank is a 150 gallon tank and I have 120lbs of this Geo Marine that I unfortunately cannot take back. Do you think it would be ok to mix the 90 or 120 lbs of the geo...
  9. andymi

    How to feed anenomys

    I have a couple of clowns that feed my one anenome, and I usually just brush some food into the tenticles of the other anenome for him to eat. There are also long feeding arms you can buy for like $5 that are long forceps that you can use to attach good and wave it above the anenome until they...
  10. andymi

    Building a refugium

    Browse the web or search the boards. There is a ton of information about building refugiums out there. Particularly at *********.com (not sure if the link will show) but visit for more information and search for salt aquariums. --Andy That link is not allowed on this BB [ August 28...
  11. andymi

    Q for Lionfish (off-topic)

    Where are you located in Michigan? Just curious as I notice there are a lot of people from Michigan on the boards. --Andy
  12. andymi


    In reading the book Conscientous(sp?) Marine Aquarist it says that Triggers are not usually good with other triggers or lion fish. They are however typically ok with puffers when both fish are similar in size. Just thought I would pass along what some literature says. (However, if you ask an LFS...
  13. andymi

    Cycling Question?????

    I started my 70 gallon originally with 20 lbs of natures ocean and 40 lbs of southdown playsand, with 2 big pieces of live rock. My tank has NEVER cycled. If it did, it completed the cycle in less than 24 hrs. I tested for a week straight then went and tested every week for 1 month and my tank...
  14. andymi

    Help High pH!!!!

    8.4 - 8.8 is kind of a wide range. I would say you are probably somewhat safe at around the 8.4-8.5 mark. I have seen readings this high in the past with little to no troubles. I would think anything higher than 8.5 is too high. Depending on the way you did the kalkwasser drip will probably...
  15. andymi

    Who's pickin' on who?

    You don't have any fish or crabs in the tank? I noticed things dissapearing when I had a sally lightfoot in the tank. It might be the arrow crab as well, I have heard on occassion they can be mean, but I have never had one to speak from experience. Do you have a lot of live rock? Do you think...
  16. andymi

    Uhh... Is my Bubbletip reproducing? (pics)

    My BTA has grown quite a bit since I got it a couple months ago. Mine too looked like it was splitting, but I think it was just getting so big it was curling up. Only time will tell, one time you may wake up and have 2 anenomes :) I was the same way when I saw mine curled up, I took pictures...
  17. andymi

    Am I the only one who gets bored with fish?

    Wow, weird, guess I am not the only one. I too get upset if something happens to my fish. My girlfriend is always telling me to stop worrying about my tanks. I sometimes think the hobby is going to leave me broke and with a bad heart :) Anyhow..this hobby can be expensive and buying things...
  18. andymi

    New FO Person - Advice

    Hey all, I have been on the reef threads for months now and my 70 gallon reef is looking fantastic and running great so far (minus a pain in the arse Sally Lightfoot!) Anyhow, this weekend I came into a 15 gallon tank and a blue lined trigger. After doing research I learned this just was not...
  19. andymi

    Trigger / Puffer - Help!

    Well thanks for all the help, the old Amex card came through again. I went and bought a 150 gallon today for an FO tank. Sheesh, I had like $200 in my checkbook, I feel like i am hooked on crack :) --Andy
  20. andymi

    Trigger / Puffer - Help!

    Thanks for the info. The trigger is small, he is not very big, I have seen much much much bigger of this species. I will do what I can to get another tank as soon as I can. Unfortunately my current 70 gallon takes up most of my money now. But it may come down to just getting a 55 or something...