Search results

  1. andymi

    What do you consider the most interesting and expensive fish and corals?

    Well I would have to say that my favorite fish are as follows and in order: 1 Blue Hippo Tang. In my reef he just looks awesome 2 Stars and Stripes puffer, picked this guy up yesterday and has already grown on me quite a bit 3 Adult Emporer Angel, one of the coolest fish ever 4 Queen Angel...
  2. andymi

    Phosphate test. Recommendations for test kits please? Thanks!

    Things take time..over the next couple months you will be in here fielding questions from others. Phosphates should be as low as possible with a maximum of (.03 ppm if I remember right). Lamotte makes a nice test kit for phosphates, but it is expensive, but worth it. I usually use FasTest kits...
  3. andymi

    Fish Compatibility - Help!

    All, here is something I posted in the agressive section, maybe you all can help. All, I started my 150 gallon recently and all seems to be going well, (except for the loss of a nice looking queen angel for some weird reason). Anyhow, my stock list currently consists of the following: 1 Adult...
  4. andymi

    New To This

    My opinion is go with what you know, and what has worked well. :) --Andy
  5. andymi

    So, are Emerald Crabs reef safe or not?

    Havnt figured out who it is yet, but something munched a couple of tips off my xenia. Nothing too bad as I have enough of it, but other than this, the emeralds have not done anything. Only crab I have had problems with are the sally lighfoots. --Andy
  6. andymi

    Switching from CC to LS, pH question

    Depending on how much of the aragonite you are using you might be ok. I only use all araganite in my reef tanks and so far I have not had to add any elements to my tank. I recently started adding some Kent Pro Buffer dKH, but my pH was actually fine and everything was growing great. Just wanted...
  7. andymi

    150 gallon FO - puffer compat.

    All, I started my 150 gallon recently and all seems to be going well, (except for the loss of a nice looking queen angel for some weird reason). Anyhow, my stock list currently consists of the following: 1 Adult Emperor (4") 6 Green Chromis (1" @) 1 Coral Beauty (2" or so) 2 cleaner shrimp 24...
  8. andymi

    HELP!! Aptaisia anemones in LR. HELP!!

    Aptaisia can be bad if you do not keep the spreading to a minimum quickly. These things can reproduce both sexually and asexually and can spread extremely quick. Some say that peppermint shrimp will get rid of these pesky creatures (I had a couple in my tank and they are now gone, I do have...
  9. andymi

    Reef Newbie...

    The alk would have to be pretty low to kill these things. I up until recently have had my alk at around 1.2 - 1.7. My pulsing xenia is growing like mad and my green sinularia is not doing bad either. I have noticed that in my tank both of these do not like to be blasted with current, but they do...
  10. andymi

    Storing Saltwater What's Your Opinion

    Helps keep the water oxygenated and keeps it from becoming stale. Keeping the water flowing is the key, if the water does not spell clean like the ocean, I would not use it. It also helps keep slime, grease or anything else from settling on the top. --Andy P.S. There may be other reasons, but...
  11. andymi


    I also like the Conscientous Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner. This book has been extremely useful to me. If you are keeping a reef there is a book (name escapes me) but it is by Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeek if I remember right. Might want to look into those. -Andy
  12. andymi

    Finished adding Sand!

    Depends on the filtration. If you added something like Southdown sand , this could take a couple days to clear with just a wet/dry filter. I personally use UGF's and it typically clears in a couple hours. --Andy
  13. andymi

    new and improved stocking plan

    What size of tank, filtration etc? -Andy
  14. andymi

    manono or fiji LR???

    Not sure about the other kind , but fiji seems to be the most common and from what I have seen, some of the cheapest. --Andy
  15. andymi

    Cleaner Shrimp - Good ick fighters???

    Glad it is working out for you :) -Andy
  16. andymi

    A couple of Questions

    I would say you would be alright with the 175 watts of halides right now as long as you put the xenia up near the top. This should last you until you get some more money to suppliment with VHO's or add more halides. With a DSB essentially all you would need is a cleanup crew from SWF (some...
  17. andymi

    Disease in a Reef Tank

    Don't put the fish through any stress if you dont have to. I would look into getting a couple of cleaner shrimp as they have done a great job in my tanks. Just keep an eye on him and let him be for now as long as no one else is getting it and the fish is doing alright. -Andy
  18. andymi

    Disease in a Reef Tank

    Don't put the fish through any stress if you dont have to. I would look into getting a couple of cleaner shrimp as they have done a great job in my tanks. Just keep an eye on him and let him be for now as long as no one else is getting it and the fish is doing alright. -Andy
  19. andymi

    Cleaner Shrimp - Good ick fighters???

    I personally believe that cleaner shrimp work better in pairs. I have two tangs in my reef tank (yellow & hippo) and when I see white spots on them, they are gone the next morning. I believe this to be because of my cleaner shrimp. I just recently started a 150 gallon FO tank and have two...
  20. andymi

    The Big 20 Bonus + 1

    I personally kinda like the brittle stars. I have two in my 70 from swf and they are fantastic. --Andy