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  1. andymi

    Slime algea

    First thing you should to is buy a phosphate test kit if you dont have one. Check your levels and see what your phosphates are at. If they are high, you might need to make some water changes (top-off water). Some tap waters contain high phosphates, in which case you may want to start using...
  2. andymi

    Sharks Please help

    You could probably do a partial water change to reduce the calcium. What is your current alk levels? Are you sure your test kits are still good? How are you dosing the calcium? --Andy
  3. andymi

    My new tank..any help appreciated..long

    To expand on BurnNSpy's comments, the sea apples can expel some sort of a toxin when they die (i believe) that can completely kill your tank. Secondly, the mandarins are typically only good in a tank that has been established for quite some time and has an abundance of copepods and amphipods. 6...
  4. andymi

    Setting Up REEF TANK

    First...Do Research. Figure out what you have had luck with in the past if you have been in freshwater. Find an LFS local to you that you think you can trust, then double check what they say here on the BBS. Then and only then buy your equipment, fish corals etc. There are many methods for...
  5. andymi

    Cleaning Critters for my 55 gallon tank

    I would pick up the package from this site for your tank size. It has worked for me quite often. Since you have a good amount of live rock I would probably say either 20 scarlets and 20 blue legged , or 40 blue legged hermits, with a couple peppermint shrimp, a couple brittle stars and a couple...
  6. andymi

    reef safe angel

    You just might want to be careful with adding sponge to your reef. Since most angels eat sponge they may nip on that, but I have seen flame and coral beauties in reefs with little or no problems. --Andy
  7. andymi

    Can a clown live happily with my three striped damsel?

    I would think you would be ok, however, damsels can be very mean fish. I have never had a 3 striped damsel so I don't know much about their temperments. If they are like other damsels they could be hostile to your other fish. If you ever plan to keep some clowns or something along those lines...
  8. andymi

    clam ID please

    Could also be a Derasa. These are usually lower light clams. They almost look like they have a tiger stripe type surface over the clam. More of a peach color (typically) with blue green edges. Their folds from what I have seen do not extend as much as the maximas and such. Pick up the book by...
  9. andymi

    You can save a tank

    I don't think diatoms come in a purple or green color but I could be wrong. I would check your phosphates and start with that. I would also be curious as to wether you use RO or Tap water and if you have tested your tap water. Also how long has this tank been up and running? -Andy
  10. andymi

    Any idea's why....

    I lost the majority of mine too when I got them. This is why I stick with blue-legged hermits now. Not sure what got to most of mine, it could have been the Sally Lightfoot killing those as well as my fish. I think I have about 5 or 6 scarlets left from the original 20 I bought, and I too have...
  11. andymi

    White spots that come & go.

    teetee, Do you have any form of cleaner shrimp or fish in your tank? If so this could be why they are coming and going as well. In all of my tanks I keep cleaner shrimp and have not lost a fish due to ick yet. I have two tangs in a reef tank and both of them will get ick on occassion. The...
  12. andymi


    Not to mention you have it stocked with a trigger and a puffer. Once they get bigger they may even go after your clowns. I think not only do you have the wrong mixture of fish, you have too many. You are opening yourself up to reduced longevity of the fish and possibly a bad breakout of some...
  13. andymi


    Queen angels are usually pretty hardy. I would try and get one as a juvi as they are usually a little less expensive. I also personally like the emporers. -Andy
  14. andymi

    SG - Why such a difference of opinion?

    1.025 in my reef tank an 1.023 in my FO tank. The FO tank is larger (150) so I keep a little lower to save on salt mostly :) -Andy
  15. andymi

    Clean Up Crew!!

    Just beware of the sally lightfoot if you have smaller fish in the tank. They are very fast and can become agressive. I lost 6 fish before I figured out who was getting to them. The sally lightfoot would wait until they swam buy and grab their tail and hold em, while it tried to eat them alive...
  16. andymi

    mrswv, Keep in mind the Undergravel will work just fine, just not with sand. I use a UGF on all of my tanks and have not had a problem yet, and know people who have had them in use for 20 years. The key with the LS is to create a deep sand bed 4" or so, have a lot of live rock (in your tank...
  17. andymi

    Queen Angel JUV

    Well although I am not an expert because I have lost a queen angel. I believe this was just a bad fish I received. Anyhow, the queens are supposed to be pretty hardy fish and will live quite a while. In the ocean they mostly eat sponge, but if you get them as juvi's you will probably be able to...
  18. andymi

    invert compatability

    You might want to post this in the fish discussion area. Risc is the shark "expert" so to speak. I would probably say not much in the way of inverts, but risc would be a better person to ask. You also might try the agressive section. -andy
  19. andymi

    what's wrong with tap water?

    You can use tap, just test it first. I have used tap from the beginning with no problems what so ever. Phosphates are low and everything. I do however, when mixing up a new batch of water will let it aerate for 24-48 hrs to help get rid of the chorline and such. Just test it and see. But I would...
  20. andymi

    6 month anniversary...i got coraline algae!! thanks for everyones help along the way!

    Coraline algae helps reduce the other nuisance algaes in the tank. Since coraline is calcerous (sp?) it will cover the rocks and glass almost like paint, preventing other macro or micro algaes from growing and taking over (hair algaes etc). Coraline from what I know will typically grow as long...